Photo credit: http://www.dailymail.co.uk
Some players of poker among you have perhaps had the idea to leave their full-time job to become a professional poker player. In the following story, this is not only a person who leaves his employment to become player poker pro, but all the family; Michelle and Matthew, parents and their sons, Richard and Brandon.
The mysterious formula for success
According to them, the keys to success for winning at poker are mathematical formulas. To be more precise, the father says he saw the poker through a formula. Unfortunately, no detail was given on it.
Recent good performance
Recently, Brandon, one of the sons, won £9,200 in the UK and Ireland Poker Tour. His brother Richard, age 23, has him win £27,000 in another series of tournaments (Dee Stack contest at the Nottingham's Dusk Till Dawn Poker Club).
On average, the family takes part in 3 series of tournaments per week.
The father is passionate about poker since his young age
The father, Matthew, a former accountant who left her job to become a full-time poker player, said replacing the chance and the risk by a mathematical formula.
Matthew says he was introduced to the very young poker. At the time, there was not much difference between the poker and gambling in general. But after studying the game, he realized that he could decrease the chance in the game aspect, assuming cannot eliminate it completely.
His ambition? Be good enough to continue to live and become rich enough to afford to stop to play.
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