The biggest Sunday Million of PokerStars

2011_Sunday_Million_table_pic_03.06.11Last Sunday tournament was held the 5th anniversary in the Sunday Million (SM). The SM is a monthly tournament that PokerStars hosts each Sunday for 5 years now. In the beginning, the tournament guaranteed $ 1 million in scholarships at a cost of entry of 200 + 15. Today, the tournament has the reputation of being a tournament 1.5 M guaranteed.

Last Sunday, to celebrate their 5th anniversary, the SM guaranteed 5 M$ in scholarships and 1 M$ in the first place more a Lamborghini as a bonus. So there is no overlay (larger than the entries scholarships total), it had 25,000 people register for the tournament which is not anything for a tournament relatively high limit for online tournaments. Some people had doubts about the effect that so many players would participate in this SM.


Against all odds, 59128 players registered to the DM to create a total in awards of 11.8 M what is to our knowledge, the largest prize pool for an online tournament. The only having obtained a larger participation rate is a tournament organized by PokerStars to be included in the book of Guinness world records as being the largest online poker tournament. This tournament had 65,000 players and it was a tournament $ 1 rake toll-free.

They had to wait 13 hours of play before knowing the 9 finalists who formed the final table.

To reduce variance, the players present at this final table have all decided to make a monetary arrangement. Stock Exchange each was calculated according to the % of tokens. This is the reason why the player to have completed 1st is not the player to have won the biggest award.

Speaking of awards, here is what they looked:

1 Luke "Bdbeatslayer" also: $671 093 + a Lamborghini Gallardo
2 sheppyshape: 465 $647
3 wrzr123: 844 $209
4 guccyka: 411 $090
5 Syndrome1977: 799 $842
6 zeurrr: 518-$402
7 nhar818: 441 $541
8 Jan10004: 311 $023
9 Battmeister: 263 $888

Special mention to the "max3f" of PokerCollectif Member who finished 26th of this tournament and won an award of $ 13,000. Max3f was out of the tournament when his opponent was pair his AQ vs his AK (all in preflop). If he had won this 75% - 25%, "max3f" values were in the top 3 leaders in chips. Three outer in times key of a tournament is a really hard to counter strategy.

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