The Onyx Cup Series consists of six live tournaments with buy-ins between $100 K to $300 K. This series of tournaments will be held in the United States, Asia and Europe.
Each event will feature members of Team Full Tilt Poker such as Howard Lederer, Erik Seidel, Chris Ferguson, Erick Lindgren and John Juanda. These players will play event 1 in Las Vegas on 11 and 12 May 2011.
The final table buy-in will be 250 k. Lots of combined price of six events are expected to reach $ 30 million.
If you have not the means (such as most poker players) you pay so high buy-in, you can still win your entry by participating in satellite tournaments. Event 1 of the Onyx Cup Series qualifying tournaments are planned for the following periods:
- On 27 March at 18:30 and - $600+$ 40
- On 10 April at 18:30 and - $1000+$ 60
- On 1 may at 18:30 and - $2000+$ 100
Gus Hansen already knows that it is not the best: "I am aiming for second place because it is clear that Phil Ivey is the number1".
In closing, in a press release issued by Full Tilt Poker, you could read;"Worldwide players can win their seat to attend this live, televised tournament taking part in the qualifying tournaments online from March 15, exclusively at Full Tilt Poker". "
For more details, you can watch the video presentation of this series.
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