To read the news in the world of poker today, many worried about the drop in traffic at Full Tilt Poker for a few weeks. At its reopening in November last year, Full Tilt Poker was the 2nd online the most popular and common behind the giant PokerStars poker site. Today, if we rely on the figures that are available on www.pokerscout.com, Full Tilt Poker is passed to fourth behind PartyPoker and iPoker.
In the case of PartyPoker, the room has increased its attendance by up to 30%, partly due to its rapprochement with Bwin.
iPoker on its side benefits from the arrival of Everest Poker, which has helped them take a few feathers. The network is currently in third place with an average of 3200 players per week.
The players decided to desert or sulk Full Tilt Poker after recovering their money? Will traffic stabilize? For the moment, we are witnessing a concentration of gamers to some rooms of poker only and to see the trend, it is not for the benefit of Full Tilt Poker. It is also the lack of affiliate program and non-payment of monies owed to the previous affiliates who are costly to the traffic of Full Tilt.
Maybe the large tournaments like the FTOPS series will bring new players. What is the future of Full Tilt Poker? On a more positive side, the highstakes action is probably better than anywhere with Phil Galfond and Viktor Blom who play on a regular basis.
In closing, PokerScout has recently added an interesting statistic: play money players.
One learns while the biggest site in this area is Zynga with 93,000 players online at the time of this writing with an average of 105,000 players per week.
PokerStars on its side is 2nd with 30,000 players online for parties playmoney with an average of 23,600 players per week.
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