An announcement was made last Thursday on Absolute Poker and Ultimate Bet (Cereus network).
The Cereus network was sold to Blanca Games Inc., directed by Stuart Gordon. The terms of the transaction were not disclosed. The sale includes the entire network, software, brands UB.com and Absolute Poker . This transaction has been approved by the Kahnawake Gaming Commission.
Stuart Gordon, CEO of Blanca Games, stated: "The acquisition of Cereus is an opportunity for us. Cereus is a major platform sitting on assets managed. In recent years, they have created new trademarks as " ub.com "that are extremely well positioned in our target market: players 20 and 30 years. From our perspective, we have acquired a large and complex online gaming platform on the cutting edge of technology, both in terms of business model, online marketing and customer service. With this transaction, we see a tremendous growth opportunity. Blanca also seeks to make further acquisitions in the market. "
Gordon goes on to say "We are confident that the Cereus Network has found an excellent nest in Blanca Games. In recent years, Cereus has developed into an outstanding platform, which is poised for significant growth. This transaction will benefit both players and employees. We do not anticipate any change in the gaming experience on the network, with the exception of improvements that will result from this transaction long term. "
Commenting on Blanca's priorities regarding the Cereus network, Gordon adds: "We we intend to leverage existing forces on the Cereus network, particularly in the area of security and customer service. Although we are impressed by many of the new security features on the network, security will remain our number one priority. We are also pleased with the efficiency and personalized approach with players, but we will always be looking to improve in this area. "
Blanca Games Inc. was created by Stuart Gordon for the purpose, among others, to make acquisitions in the online gaming industry. Mr. Gordon is the CEO of Blanca Games and is a pioneer in the online gaming industry. He is also the founder and operator BingoMania.com and Helix Gaming International Ltd, which is authorized and regulated in both the territories of Kahnawake and the Caribbean.
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