PokerCollectif had spoken you recently, Caesars Interactive obtained its license to operate in Nevada.Caesars Interactive can offer poker online Nevada residents only when 888 has received its licence of the same Commission.
A partnership with http://www.playtika.com/ is expected to enhance the pool of potential players! Playtika made in the social game and already has a lot of players.
Everything is now only a matter of time before that online Poker will be available legally to residents of Nevada.
But a caveat obviously exist. The pool of players will be small. Nevada has only 2.7 M inhabitants and it will be more or less interesting for the pro player. As many have suggested, a union between the States would probably be what best for all and maybe it's what will be done.
According to the Las Vegas Review Journal (in an article entitled Proposed gaming bill would allow interstate agreements for online poker by Howard Stutz), the Nevada gaming Commission supports a Bill which, if passed, would allow the Governor of the State, enter into agreements with the Governors of the other States in which the online poker is legalto share their liquidity. Entitled "Assembly Bill 5", the legislation should be discussed from February 04, 2013.
For information, remember that the Governor of Delaware signed last June, a law regulating games online in the State.
California and New Jersey are also regular sector.
Of course, all States are not warm to the idea of regulating online gambling. This is the case of Utah for example and, oh surprise!, Texas. To this end, from today even in Texas, is debated the Texas Gaming Act of 2013 which aims to ban online Texas poker.
With regard to other States, the Assembly Bill 5 will be debated from February 4. It is this law that would allow the Governor of the State to enter into agreements with the Governors of other States.
It could be the start of something interesting.
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