We all expected this for a long time: the agreement between Full Tilt Poker and the Group Bernard Tapie (GBT) is now official. The GBT is understood to take possession of the assets of Full Tilt Poker for an amount of $ 80 million.
Full Tilt Poker has issued the following statement to PokerCollectif this morning (translation):
Full Tilt Poker is pleased to note that the terms of the agreement between the Group Bernard Tapie and the Ministry of Justice have been finalised, and the agreement provides for the repayment of all of the players outside the United States by the Group Bernard Tapie. The agreement also provides that the U.S. Justice Department would allow US players to claim compensation for lost funds. Since the events of 'Black Friday', the repayment of customers has been priority number one of Full Tilt Poker.
Ray Bitar, co-founder of Full Tilt Poker, said: "" I am very pleased with the efforts of the Department of Justice, and society 'group Bernard Tapie', and we appreciate their ongoing commitment to work toward a mutually beneficial agreement that will facilitate the reimbursement of the players. ".
Now that the agreement with the U.S. Justice Department concluded, Full Tilt Poker and GBT will now turn to record the final terms of their agreement in order to bring this matter to complete as soon as possible resolution.
Full Tilt Poker would like to thank all its customers for their continued patience since Black Friday and throughout the negotiation process.
The news was greeted with entousiame among players. Let us recall that the players are not able to have access to their money at Full Tilt Poker now almost 5 months. So it's a relief for the wallet of many of them. Although there are a few details to finalize the agreement (voting of shareholders who must be accepted at 2/3, re-acquisition of the gaming license, etc.), these details are just a formality. It is therefore that a matter of time before players can once again have access to their funds blocked.
There remains, however, still some issues outstanding: when US players refunded? When Full Tilt Poker resumes its operations? When and how will be refunded (including Canada) international players? What is meant by "offset"?
The Bernard Tapie group will take care of the reimbursement of the players around the world (except the United States) and the DoJ will take care to reimburse players from the United States which will have to make a request for reimbursement. In Exchange, the DoJ will drop the civil complaint against Full Tilt Poker which will leave the field open to the GBT to restart the FTP machine.
When more details are known, PokerCollectif will keep you informed as quickly as possible.
You can discuss this new by clicking the following link: re-opening imminent FullTilt Poker