On December, several details are added to what appears to be the biggest cheat story of online poker. Here are the facts:
-A Danish player is suspected of having implemented Trojans in several highstakes poker players computer.
-With these Trojan horses in place, he would have the opportunity to make millions of dollars.
-The name of the person in question cannot be tell (December 9, the iGaming site also said having discovered the identity of the person in question, without revealing his name).
-A Danish court forbade to name the suspect.
-The suspect is a man of 32 years old and have already been champion of the European Poker Tour.
-Two suspects were charged by police in Copenhagen on December 11 regarding computer fraud, but these two men have nothing to do with cheating scandal referred to in this article.
Attorney for the defence in this case, master Asser Gregerson, rejects the accusations and says that they have no basis.
For more information on this subject, read an excellent thread on Twoplustwo. You can get the updated information day by day while reading the facts and rumors in this case.
By reading this thread, you will see that a suspect has been found. You can his name on the thead.
In closing, according to information obtained on the site iGaming, Viktor Blom would have been one of the targets in this history of cheating.
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