PokerRetards team invites you to vote for the each next class champions:
- The player who is desperately but when ca pussy not Daddy, baby ca pussy not!
- The player with the biggest ego
- The price a little free player that best bears his name
- The player's nickname which imposes the respect
- The most successful show concept
- The room whose name badly betrays the reality of its activity
- The type that follows the players trying to get a free drink
- The pub which is funny but in fact you want to zap when you fall on it
- Most useless Awards
- The magazine that bears his name the better
Everything is done in humor obviously, a bit like handing the Gerard in France. Who is PokerRetards? In their own words: "a motley team of observers of the pokosphere which, a night of absolute boredom, took the party to join the useful with the pleasant by attempting to answer this insoluble question: poker despite his success-Flash still has a little humor on himself?".
"" In the official press release announcing the upcoming event: "the world of poker, if he really wants to acquire its letters of nobility, now has the obligation at least once per year, to demonstrate a little humor on himself".
Everyone can vote and everyone is invited to vote. The only indication is to avoid bad faith and go with the choice which you think most appropriate.
To know if you are yourself a 'delay' (a late), you can still do this very serious test to know your level of "retardness" by visiting the following address: http://web.archive.org/web/20070108192606/www.retardpoker.com/form.html
Another interesting similar American site list the 20 worst players in the history of poker as well as the worst hands of poker ever played. You can visit it at the following address: http://www.pokerretards.com/
Mention special "douchebag" to Tony G for this hand to archive:
The end of the votes will take place on April 15.
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