Which is not $ 7 million in its budget? We believe that this is the case of Phil Ivey who the oldest clubs deprived of game in the world (184 years) located in London must 7.3 M pounds in prize money. To give you an idea, to date, 1 pound is worth $ 1.56 Canadian, which obviously is a lot of money!
The case dates back to last August. Phil Ivey is in London and play Punto Banco at the Crockfords, the oldest gaming club private in the world, in the company of a mysterious Oriental woman. Punto Banco is a card game inspired by the Baccarat for stakeholders. Therefore, the mysterious woman is sitting alongside Ivey when he plays in a private room where only occur with them the crupper and a member of the security.
First allowed to play for £ 50,000 hand, Ivey is then cleared to updates up to £ 150,000 hand (why not?). After falling to £-500.000, Ivey finished the night with £ 2.3 of profit. The next night, he returned to play and accumulates a total of £ 7.3 of earnings. Ivey retired then, who has the reputation of being a ' hit' no runner "to casinos (starting soon after winning a considerable sum of money).
It was while he asks what his winnings are transferred into his bank account. At this time, casino replied that it was not possible immediately because the banks are closed, but the transfer will be made as early as Tuesday, August 28.
Since now a month and a half, Ivey was refunded to 1 million pounds because he is suspected of cheating/collusion. Strange.
No evidence exists yet, but the fact that Ivey was accompanied by a mysterious Oriental woman makes much chat. Indeed, this woman would be is removing its card of members of another casino in the same neighborhood (the reasons are not known).
Even if there are doubts, no evidence exists that Ivey has cheated as stated in the team which is investigating him. Punto Banco is a game in which it is difficult and very difficult to cheat. Ivey is would be given all this trouble and would have risked so much he who can earn as much honest way?
To this end, the team commented: "no imperfection or mark which would give an advantage to Ivey were found. At no time Ivey received cards. […] The shoe has also been inspected, but the investigation yielded nothing."
The only element that "Bell" if one can say so is that Phil Ivey was accompanied by a mysterious woman.
When asked during the WSOP Europe on this subject, Ivey said "Please, do not talk me. I focus on my tournament". His mother, Pamela Ivey living in Las Vegas said: "it does never mentioned it to me. It may not be very important to him, otherwise he would have mentioned". 7.3 M of books, it's not as if it was a large amount (Insert here a sign of shark).
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