The rule of 10 levels (also known as the Hard-Stop rule) WSOP has been implemented to prevent tournaments run till the wee hours of the morning. This rule is intended to meet the players, but also all the personnel in place during poker tournaments. This rule therefore requires the obligatory stop of the tournament every night as soon as level 10 game will have been played and, regardless of the situation.
This rule is obviously not the case of all. As an example, consider the tournament to $ 5,000 Hold'em ' Hold'em where players wanted to play up to the final table, but where they have had to play until there are 4 players.
Allen Bari, winner of the tournament, comments on this rule:
"I think that's something stupid. The momenthum in a tournament is something very important and when you take a day's pause for sleep, it completely changes the momenthum. During this pause, everyone has time to adjust to what was happening on the table or even, has time to talk to other players to ask them their opinion or advice. It is very different from 15-20 minute breaks. We should stop the tournament when the step or time is significant to take a break. We were playing for $ 1 million and it was 2:30 AM. We had to stop. The night of before, all players foldaient to me. The next day, all the players were all-in before me. It could have cost me money. Fortunately, not for me".
Even though many agree with this law, there should be schedules for more specific situations such as the final table for example. The Hard-Stop rule should be operational only when there are more than 11 players in a tournament.
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