A Kid's Game, the documentary of BlueFirePoker

BlueFirePokerIt is in a few days (20 February) that will be presented the new documentary produced by BlueFirePoker.com. The documentary was directed by Li Dong and purchased by BlueFirePoker (it is also them that deal with production). In summary, the documentary portrays some of the "poker boom" from players who have been most successful. Young players who are left nothing ($ 50, $ 75, $ 100) and today have bankrolls of 1 M$ and more.

In the documentary, we find notably the brothers Dang, Andrew "Good2CU" Robl or LuvTheNBA, MagicNinja, EmpireMaker2, DrGiggy (our friend of PokerCollectif and excellent coach for BlueFirePoker) and BikiniWax to name but a few.

These players have mostly made more money than their parents throughout their lives, in just a few years. I do not know if in the history of the man, there was a time when it was possible to grow as fast. For these young men (who for the most part do not have 25 years), is the life of dream that comes true. Money flows afloat, the trips are possible, cars, houses, etc. And all that while playing cards, a few hours per week. Be paid to practice their leisure is not the dream of all?

The symbolism of money is no longer the same for these players. For one of these prodigies of poker, $ 1000 is equivalent to a few big blinds. Young teen standard, it's 2 weeks of work, sometimes 3. In this regard, Martin Fournier Giguère (Giggy) can be seen in the trailer for the documentary which says a little joke; "For me, what is at the bottom of $ 1000 is as free". Even for a good lawyer paid, $ 1000, it's still 10 hours of work. 100 hours to cook hamburgers at McDonalds. Everything is relative.

The documentary does not speak only good sides (the money flowing afloat, the success), but also deals with the difficulties that these players have had to overcome. Often, when we hear talk of a 'success story', means simply the good sides. Yet, no matter what these people will tell you, they have had to work hard to get where they are. Giggy could not make interesting videos of strategy if he did not take time to think about poker, to think about his game, to think how he could become a better player, to make adjustments, etc.

No one can make millions playing poker without working on his game. For beginners, poker is a simple game, but that hides a great complexity. More on includes poker, more one realizes that this is a complex game.

A thread has been created on the Twoplustwo forums and the passion is already very hard for this documentary coming soon.

For now, the documentary be unfortunately available only to members of BlueFirePoker.

Whether you are beginner or not, it might be interesting to read your course as a player of poker on our forums, you can use the link below to do this.

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