Here it is, we arrived in 2013, unharmed! The year 2012 is behind us and we look right before hoping that 2013 is for us as good if not better than 2012 (or less worse for others).
For thousands of people, the beginning of the year is the time to impose resolutions, to set goals. It's therefore time for a fresh start, question of correct what we did not like us in 2012, what we could have done better or more.
For poker players, according to the information in this thread: your 2013 for poker resolutions, resolutions for 2013 will be to lose weight, get more exercise, spend more time with the people they love, play more hands, become a SuperNova Elite, stop tilt (tilt or less) Mount limit, put money aside, work more seereview of hands, watch more videos from strategy, etc. The intentions are there, they can deny.
Unfortunately, we must be realistic and say that the majority of those resolutions will not be held or will only be a short lapse of time. According to Jared Tendler which we encourage you to read the blog (in French), 12% of people will only succeed in keep their resolutions. This is what a study reveals. And 12% seems to be a generous figure (the human being is basically lazy as we know).
To successfully keep resolutions, there are several ways to get there and much effort to make. For example, it is important to have goals that are clear. The majority of the people are wrong themselves by not quantifying their objectives. For example, "I'd be more fit" is not really quantifiable. At the end of the year, it will be difficult to know if yes or no were held our resolution.
The resolution should instead look to "I would like to or less 30 minutes of jogging per week and spend at least 2 hours in the gym per week". That is who is more accurate (but more binding course). Objections should be the clearest possible, as precise as possible.
In his article cited above, Jared identifies 7 points that represent 7 steps to follow in order to achieve its objectives:
1 - Decide what you want
2 - Know why you want
3 plan 'how' you get what you want
4 - Identify the obstacles that you face
5 - Determine how you down these obstacles
6 - Identify what will inspire you in challenging times
7 - Put on paper your progress and your path (you can not follow the evolution of what is not or measure not quantify).
To achieve its objectives, should not only incorporate something back into your routine (for example, get up earlier), but also eliminate something of your old habits (for example, go to bed late). Often, the most difficult is not to incorporate something new in his life, but to eliminate its old habits. Our old habits are part of us, they are our second nature. Therefore many efforts and willingness to drive out them of our daily lives.
It is important to set reasonable goals. Nor too easy (to have at least the merit of having accomplished something), nor too difficult (otherwise you will have a good pretext to abandon all your resolutions).
We invite you to share your resolutions in this thread: your resolutions for 2013
We will be curious to see over the year, how it is changing.
Happy new year 2013 at all!