A little more than a year ago, PokerCollectif announced you that a documentary was in production at the super-users on Ultimate Bet scandal.
Recall that in this scandal, the POTRIPPER player had a VPIP incredibly high and was a huge winner on the site. Obviously, then, we learned that this player saw the cards of his opponents (the so-called one "super - user").
This incident was very bad for online poker. Not only for players who have lost money, but also for the poker online in general, for the confidence that people have towards the poker rooms online. Even today, many people believe that online poker is "faked", that it is not as honest as live poker and poker sites make sure to create the action on the table to increase the rake.
We learned today that the documentary will be available Tuesday on October 22.
The film, signed Doublehead Pictures, was a kickstarter-funded and directed by Scott Bell.
In an interview he States:
"In 2008, I was seized with a great interest to the threads on the forum and in 2010, I started to work on a blog with perhaps intend to write a book on the scandal." Over time, things have evolved into a documentary. This is a project with a limited budget and my first goal was to tell the story of the best possible in the poker community. Will it be quite generalist or quite professional to reach a wider audience, I don't know. I'm glad that this could be done and the poker world should certainly be interested."
The project has raised $ 6,650 on Kickstarter in September of last year and includes interviews with Mike "trambopoline" Fosco, Brad Booth, Michael Jane, Mason Malmuth and Todd "Dan Druff" Witteles.
In the press release, there is a description of the film:
"The story traces the meeting of crooks from the old school and technology during the poker boom. After having launched a poker site popular with success, a group of insiders used a software to defraud the players several years undetected. When the scam was discovered, they have made great efforts to hide the crimes in order to repay less than the amounts stolen. Nobody has never been the subject of investigation, has been arrested, charged or prosecuted for these crimes. The implied message is to show how a small group of players has collaborated in an online survey in order to force site repay more that he did initially, if fully".
Concerning what can retain the poker world: "there are many lessons to be learned, we are not talking about most. I just think that show crime and its concealment should lead to have good discussions. People who have led UltimateBet could not succeed without a certain consent of players and the media during the boom years. The consensus was "Does not flow the vessel which tells us so much money". Work on this issue is a story in itself, with ups and downs and surprising twists. For example, a lawyer from Pierson sent us a youth intern to help us during our shooting in Vegas last year. This is espionage! "."
For the curious, here's the official trailer of UltimateBeat:
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