Don't miss the Monday 20: 30 on Espacejeux.com: a first right of entry for the Grand poker tournament Loto-Québec with a value of $25,000 will be at stake.
Poker Loto-Québec Grand tournament will be the tournament of the year 2012 in the Canada. This poker event will bring up to 60 of the top players who will have won their seats:
o passing by dozens of satellite tournaments held each month in the houses of game Loto-Québec or Espacejeux.com;
o one of the special lotteries;
o or en who registered to the event directly by paying the registration fee of $25,000.
This tournament held in may 2012 will be the activity of poker to see and be seen!
You should know that the winner of the tournament from Loto-Québec will win a seat to 1 million U.S. dollars for the charity tournament The Big One for One Drop, which will be held on the occasion of the World Series of Poker in Las Vegas on 1, 2 and 3 July 2012. In addition, the 16 finalists having achieved the highest classification will fly to Las Vegas to live the frenzy of the moment. This trip with an approximate value of $5,000 includes four nights of lodging, airfare for two people and $500 in spending money.
How to win? Subscribe to the satellite to $300 + $20 on Espacejeux.com. Search for 'Sat.Grand tournament LQ' in the poker lobby.
When? This Monday, October 17, 2011 at 20:30.
For more details, see the page of the Grand tournament of poker Loto-Quebec on Espacejeux.
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