It was a time when Poker Tracker was the benchmark for computer software for poker players. Since the arrival of Hold'em Manager, PT went good 2nd. Today, we announce the upcoming release of an enhanced version of the software that (the company hopes) will make him regain his title of leader in computer software in the poker world.
Poker Tracker which presents its analysis and tracking for already 10 years software should be released the beta version of Poker Tracker 4 by the end of September (the version test if you prefer). According to the advertising, PokerTracker 4 is in development for more than a year now and the result mainly of the demands and requirements of its users.
In this regard, Steven McLoughlin, responsible for communications said: "our vision is not only ours, it is also and especially of our users." This is already a first good news.
He continued: "the two major changes will occur at the level of the interface with a HUD new generation." This new HUD is as sharp and the cleaner that has never been achieved. It will be also the most sensitive and one that will offer the most flexibility".
Promising is not it?
The software should also be more complete than its main competitor, Hold'em Manager: "instead of having buy tracking software, and then continue to spend money in other applications, we have chosen to include everything in Poker Tracker 4" A direct attack designers to Hold'em Manager who sell separately different software such as LeakBuster.
Several options we are already looking forward to the release of the software: options of customization (count the stacks in blinds, statistics of his opponents by session only), a ToolBox compiling key data from HUD and LeakTracker, a software similar to LeakBuster which allows to identify the flaws in his game.
I do not know if it will be to get the statistics of the players by game type, what seems a must. For example, if you play 50,000 hands heads-up against Joe123 and 50,000 hands in shorthanded, you want to be able to sort them according to the variant you play.
According to the announced calendar, version Alpha (presented in media often) will be released in July, for the great beta public in September and ultimately the final sale everywhere will be at the end of December (dates can changed, it is at least current estimates).
What is PokerTracker will succeed with this version to outclass Hold'em Manager who earlier had beaten PokerTracker 3? This is what we will be by the end of December.
For informational purposes, if you si vous achetez buy a new license of PokerTracker between now and December 2011, you will be entitled to a licence PokerTracker 4 included in the price.
For the curious, a video (where one sees nothing, but still) was mailed to this address: http://preview.pokertracker.com/
Perhaps more information will be posted later. Whatever it is, PokerCollectif will give you as the information that it will be of a public nature.
In the meantime, discuss this news on PokerCollectif forums: Poker Tracker 4 will be released in December 2011
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