Full Tilt Poker will re - open from here to November 6!

Other good news and details about the agreement between two giants of the online poker, i.e. PokerStars and Full Tilt Poker. As of yesterday, the agreement of 731 million dollars between PokerStars and the Department of Justice is United States to buy Full Tilt Poker was formalized. PokerStars plans so now deliver Full Tilt Poker Online by November 6, 2012! PokerStars will also repay US players within 90 days as specified in the agreement.

Starting today, PokerStars has 6 days to make a first payment of 225 million dollars to the federal Government. PokerStars will also credit the accounts of players from the rest of the world, that is us, who hold funds frozen at Full Tilt Poker. The total of this frozen money representte $ 184 million!

He also pointed that PokerStars will have to pay a sum to the U.S. Government, but that it has 36 months to do so.

As of yesterday you could read on the TwoPlusTwo forums a thread created by Syam Markus, manager of Full Tilt Poker. Markus said that it was the famous "FTPDoug".



Starting today, Markus uploads under the nickname "Shyam Markus" on TwoPlusTwo and @FTPMarkus on Twitter.

Among the topics addressed by Markus: rakeback, VIP, the Pro team Full Tilt points, and repayment of the U.S. players. Most of these topics have not yet been sliced by the management of Full Tilt, but Markus already confirmed that Americans with money at Full Tilt Poker will have to initiate proceedings before the DOJ to retrieve their funds.

You can read the thread in full (in English) by following the next link: Thread Shyam Markus on TwoPlusTwo!

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