The new rose a little in silence and thats why PokerCollectif wants to put it at the forefront: Full Tilt Poker launched earlier this week its mobile application Rush on which it will be possible to play Rush poker on their mobile device (smart phone, Tablet).
In addition to the Rush Poker (Please note that standard tables are not available on this application), you can play the Adrenaline Rush which PokerCollectif had already spoken you.
So, after PokerStars, it's the turn of Full Tilt Poker launched its mobile application available both iOS and Android.
Following the new Sarne Lightman, Director of marketing at Full Tilt Poker said: "we are committed to continuously improve and evolve the experience of Full Tilt Poker and we are particularly proud to be the leaders in the industry when it comes to innovate and imagine new concepts. Unlike many of our competitors, Full Tilt Rush Poker mobile application has been developed specifically for the game on Smartphone. The Rush format allows you to join the action in a few seconds, and then to play tons of hands, regardless of how long you have before you, even if it is a few minutes at the bus stop!"
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