It is rare that we tell you various facts in this way on PokerCollectif, but this time, for a change, here is the summary of a pretty intense story that has been published in the papers today in England.
They call Sally and Tony. They were both in their forties, and despite their young age, they were already retired in a very nice house in France. The House was great with a swimming pool. Sally has spent his life as interior designer in the North of England. Discover the France was part of their retirement plans.
Just bumped into when Sally learned that her husband squandered about 1 million pounds (1.56 million Canadian dollars) within 3 years. Retirement dream, they are passed to precarious retirement.
It all started when they bought their retirement home. Sally, Tony had purchased a laptop. As soon as he rose in the morning, Tony went to his computer and was inseparable for the rest of the day.
The retired couple had a relaxed life. Sally had as mission during his years of retirement to learn the french to discover his new town. She wanted to meet people, talk to them in french, discover the France, discover her town. Meanwhile, Tony was lonely and spent a lot of time behind his computer, that Sally had to meet.
Tony spent a lot of time playing online poker and Sally knew. But what it didn't have, was the amounts that Tony lost. What made her worried was much more mental health and State of mind of Tony who was never coming out and who never wanted to meet new people rather than the dollars that he lost. In his head, Tony had to play for small amounts.
In 2009, Tony tells his wife that he wants to return to England. It was only later that Sally realizes that the real reason for his choice to return to England was behind on House payments. Later, she learns that she has several credit cards with debts of 20,000, 25,000 to 30,000 pounds.
"It is really strange to think there so large debt on our credit cards when you have hundreds of thousands of pounds to the Bank."
The trouble was that these hundreds of thousands of books already had the joy of opponents of Tony on the tables of online poker.
Sally began to panic and Tony had to choice but to tell him the truth: "I've done everything fail", he said, speaking of his addiction to the game.
Tony had spent 100,000 pounds who had given to them as a gift, 85,000 books that the mother of Sally had given them. He had even mortgaged one of their property for 300,000 pounds in order to play poker. And it was only a portion of its losses. Total losses reach the million pounds.
Sally was obviously discouraged: "I had the impression that the annihilation of my own life. It was as if someone had just put a gun on the head and pulling the trigger."
From that moment, Sally knew she could ever trust her husband and decided to seek a divorce. Tony refused. So she gave him an ultimatum: 'Either you make caring for your gambling addiction or I move with children, without you'. Tony had no other choice to consult appropriate assistance.
Today, Sally tries to remain positive: "I have children that I love and I am healthy". She still mourns his life to front while she had "the most beautiful life in the world".
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