PokerCollectif recently spoke you of the case of David Rheem who won 1 M$ in a poker tournament after defrauding a few friends: http://www.pokercollectif.com/Insolite-et-Rumeur/david-rheem-remporte-1m-apres-avoir-fraude-plusieurs-personnes.html
Today we learn that the Epic Poker League Committee has focused on his case. Michael "Timex" McDonald, a member of the Committee has published on Twoplustwo:
"As a member of the 'standards of conduct committee' of the EPL, I must say that we had a long meeting Monday last about players who have been able to during their carrirere behave in an unprofessional and questionable manner." For offenses such as cheating, the lack of sportsmanship, or the fact for example having a criminal record check or have failed a financial arrangement will not be tolerated by the Epic Poker League. We have developed a list of players who meet these criteria. If these players came to indulge in this kind of behave, they will be eliminated from the EPL. Such a sanction will also be taken against players who will demonstrate a compelling lack of integrity in the future. Players who do not represent clientele poker will not be very long in the EPL and will be publicly excluded from the league. The time of Omerta is over."
In short, Rheem will be not punished monetarily, but say that his case is chat, what is already a good first step towards the right direction.
According to some rumueurs, after repaying his debts and his stakeurs (Rheem was stake in good part for this tournament), there would be no more than $ 5000 in Rheem. We do not yet know if he has reimbursed each sub owed, but the mere fact that it has begun to do so leaves us to think he has a good will.
In addition to having defrauded Will Molson (see PokerCollectif article cited above), Rheem also defrauded Joseph Cheong (that you've seen on the final table of the Main Event of the WSOP 2010 with Jonathan Duhamel) in the amount of $ 40,000. CHEONG had also made a post on Twoplustwo to talk about its history. He explains:
"At the beginning, Chino behaved like someone very friendly. Yet he has scammed $ 40,000. "He also made the shot has other people and I manifest myself on Twoplustwo so that no one else is trapped."
Further he said:
"Borrow money from others is common in the world of poker. Therefore, when a known player shows up with a partner or a guarantor credible, it is difficult not to lend her money. When Rheem came asking me for money, it was in 2010 during the WSOP. Rheem has reassured me telling me he had a share of Mizrachi in the Main Event and it was final table at my side. Mizrachi was even confirmed to me the facts and so I had a sufficient guarantee to be able to lend my money to Rheem. Today, I still have not recovered the penny and it's very frustrating to have $ 40,000 who roam in the wild. I can only deplore this fact because there is strictly nothing to do to retrieve this money because I do not wish to have recourse to violence. I could the trainer in the courts but still be necessary that Rheem is actually solvent. He continued to play and gets money scamming people or thanks to its numerous connections in the world of live poker. Therefore, expect to cross again on the circuit of tournaments pros for a long time. The only morality of the story is not to "Chino" Penny!"
It was only later will we know if Rheem has repaid all creditors. Hope for them that it will take the right path.
An old proverb says;"If you want to lose a friend, lends him money". Obviously, do not exaggerate or dramatize things, but it is true that money is often subject of conflict. Do you have your side of the noteworthy experiences of loans of money?
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