FlushDraw, former CEO of Full Tilt Poker, Ray Bitar, is in a poor state of health. This was announced by his lawyers at a hearing last week. His State of health would be so bad that it would have affected the normal conduct of his trial. Several players wondered then if it still laughed them with this history of disease. But, according to several sources, it seems that this means nothing to a joke. Bitar lawyers asked the Prosecutor of the State in this case, Loretta Preska, to empty the courtroom to be able to talk to him in private. They then explained the details relating to the health of the former CEO of FTP, this after what Loretta Preska said that it should be reached an agreement for arguments following this clarification. According to Loretta Preska, the reasons brought by counsel for Bitar are serious.
As a reminder, since July 2012, Ray Bitar is being monitored very tight with an electronic bracelet. The authorities do not want it subtracts to justice for his crimes (embezzlement and fraud of the time that he was CEO of Full Tilt Poker). He is also accused of poor management of the company and occult activities.
Meanwhile, his friends Rafe Furst, Chris Ferguson and Howard Lederer were settled amicably the conflict between them with the American State. They paid fines required for no longer having to face the charges. Obviously, when the news became public, many Full Tilt Poker players have found they were outlandish compared to the damage.
Last week on Twitter, Cole South asked this: "I heard a rumor that"stevebets"would be in the Court of justice this week in Ray Bitar defence team. Tell me if this is true". Another person responded to his tweet by this: "Yes, Steve is a member of the defense of Ray Bitar. He would have been paid $ 500,000 "."
PocketFives, the DoJ should make an announcement soon following this information. PokerCollectif will give you all the details once they become available.
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