What's new on PokerCollectif, March 14, 2011


cazOnce again, some news/various recent developments about PokerCollectif.

Here is what caught our attention for a few days.



Interview with Caz


Caz now has new fans thanks to the interview given by it to PokerCollectif. You can hear the interview here if it is not already selected:






Getting to confiscate $ 500,000?

Speaking of Sunday Million, a nightmare worse than that of Laurence. Zeurrr joined the Sunday Million special 5th anniversary and reached the final table. He made an agreement on the final table and was attriber $518K. The problem is that Zeurrr is not the legal age to play and that PokerStars is considering to withdraw his gain.

To read the article and the discussion on our forums which follows:


Tournament Miriam Foundation

Tournament for charity Miriam Foundation hosted by Full Tilt Poker. Since the first edition of the Omnium de Montréal in 2005, Full Tilt Poker is a sponsor and a partner of the charity tournament. FTP provides the scholarship and ten seats to the World Series of poker. Full Tilt Poker world famous professional players will be present, including the Member of Team Full Tilt Andy Bloch and professionals Huck Seed, Marc Karam, Erik Cajelais, Gavin Smith and Greg Mueller.

Proceeds go to the Miriam Foundation to support services and programs professional, residential and rehabilitation for children, adolescents, adults and older people with autism.

Congratulations boublou and good luck in the tournament!


The PokerCollectif team congratulates Maxime Ouimet, alias Ouimet for its package to the WPT Vienna. We wish him the best of luck during his tournament!

Account hacked!

Laurence Grondin has fact hacker his PokerStars account.

She decides to attend the 5th anniversary special tournament of the Sunday Million on PokerStars and it happens more to enter his account (password has been changed). She fears the worst and go on PTR to realize that a small comic went to play with his bankroll on the tables of $ 3 / $6.

We repeat often, but it is important to be careful with your poker account. Here is a small guide in 3 parts to help protect you written by Sebasdess.


High Stakes Poker 7th season


The season 7 of High Stakes poker has started and in some episodes you can see "PokerJohn" alias Jonathan Duhamel. We will keep you informed when the episode will be online.




The Portuguese prodigy

José Macedo, we still do not know if he is that he claims, gives an interview to PokerStatic. Is this a level big or really a young poker prodigy?




To read his story, you can read the article here: http://www.pokercollectif.com/Insolite-et-Rumeur/rumeur-i-am-jose-qgirahq-macedo-the-so-called-qportuguese-poker-prodigyq.html


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