By Tommy Angelo
It's amazing the dialect that can emerge when people have a common interest. Listen to discussions of any professional or group of people who have a common interest and see probably that slab. The words have taken such a new sense that you feel need a password to understand.
It's amazing the dialect that can emerge when people have a common interest. Listen to discussions of any professional or group of people who have a common interest and see probably that slab. The words have taken such a new sense that you feel need a password to understand. Like many, I often use the vernacular. Some of my favorites are the Musicaliane, the Bridgese, the Scrabblebabble and the Echecisme. But by far, my prefele dialect is the Pokerspeak.
- A musician can tell you, "plays the ninth on the fourth agreement to not make contrasts with the minor third.
- A bridge player can tell you, "Careful to consider because if the lady who is on your left is stacked, you can the squeezer".
- A scrabble player can tell you, ' I was working on a xyst, passing by a quay, when a yak ate my fez, and so I have chained with a zax.»
- A chess player may say: "I think that it's your turn to play.
And that is what a poker player will say? Well, a few people outside the world of poker believe that poker is a game of hard-to-leather and our jargon has nothing to suggest otherwise. Put yourself in the shoes of a normal person. Imagine do not understand the meaning of the words "tile" and "folder". And so, one day, you hear this:
"A player has limped into a pot with the rag." I woke up with two cowboys and so I poppe. I have been beaten throughout the evening. That player was very solid pig and tiltait. Subsequently, he revived me. I earn the entry, obv. I have solid flopped with a King on the board, but there were two clovers. I hit my full on 4th street. "And as if this wasn't enough, he struck his flush on the river and he began to me solid barreller.
Yowza! This is what I call colorful imagery! For little accustomed ear, this speech will certainly be very confused and violent. But be aware that the aggression is the key in this game!
Chess, they say, 'I capture you. Backgammon, they say, "I blocked you." We say, 'it is drawing dead. No matter how you analyze our jargon, it is much more courageous. If I was not a poker player, I envierais them, especially heard phrases of the genre, "He struck his flush on the river."
A few new words
The words arrive and leave quickly. It is still more evident when we think of the technological terms. New words arrive like "gigabyte" or "Internet". There are even common words that have a different meaning as 'WIndows' and 'mouse '. I wonder what people could imagine is there not so long ago when I told them that I had a bug on my hard drive.
Language develops. It develops through our mind. The words the more adjusted to our reality survive among the lot. The less-used words are put aside to make room for alternatives. There are no 'good' or 'bad' in the existence of the words.
For example, on the East Coast, a straigh to ACE is named "Broadway". After playing 2 years on the Left Coast, I hadn't heard once this expression. Here it was said a big straight simply.
In my hometown, the word "nuts" was rendered gone out of fashion. Told rather "somewhere" instead of "nuts and bolts". Then, a guy began to say: "nuts and berries. This term lasted. Some time later we all say 'I have the berries', if we were lucky enough to have them. Yes, the language is something changing!