It is yesterday that started the prestigious $10,000 tournament. Among the 771 entries, several Quebecers. After a day of play, only 6 are still in the race. Here is the list:
50th - François "Greg29" hoe - 80 825 tokens
175th - Antoine "Tiltman" Bérubé - 51 700 tokens
209th - Sam Chartier - 46,725 tokens
338e - Stéphane Lacas - 30 500 chips
440 - Laurence "Sharon" Grondin - 18,050 tokens
485e - Sébastien Proulx - 9 750 tokens
At 3 p.m., Montreal time, day 1 B will begin with a crowd that should exceed 771 entries.
You will be able to discuss the performance of Quebecers in the Main Event in the associated thread: WSOP 2014: the Main Event is launched and 6 Quebecers spend in the 2nd round
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