The official announcement was published today by the Société des casinos du Québec via a press release: the Casino du Lac-Leamy will host a stage of the World Series of Poker (WSOP) circuit.
Indeed, for the first time in its history, the Société des casinos du Québec will host a stage of the prestigious World Series of Poker (WSOP) circuit. The WSOP, world-wide, are as members of PokerCollectif know, the most important in the world and the most prestigious poker event.
WSOP circuit
WSOP circuit has 22 steps in as many North American cities, or 20 tournaments in the United States and 2 tournaments in Canada (Quebec and British Colombia). Twelve players who will participate in the Quebec tournaments will win the prestigious ring in the colours of the WSOP. Two participants, either the winner of the main event as well as the player who got the most points, will travel to the series finale which will take place in may 2014 in Atlantic City.
Twelve tournaments online casino
The Casino du Lac-Leamy will hold ten upcoming tournaments of the WSOPC from 13 to 24 November, while the other two tournaments will take place on 7 and 8 December on Espacejeux. These events will be preceded by satellite tournaments held in four casinos in Quebec as well as on Espacejeux.
It is Sunday, September 1 that Espacejeux will begin its series of online satellite tournaments. Details of the circuit of the WSOP satellite tournaments which will take place in Quebec casinos will be announced within a few weeks.
WSOP circuit: dates and locations
The WSOP circuit events will be played:
-Casino du Lac-Leamy from 13 to 24 November 2013;
-On Espacejeux (open to players from Quebec, Manitoba and British Colombia). Qualifications will begin in October 2013 and details will be published soon;
-At the River Rock Casino from October 27 to November 7, 2013.
As any big tournaments, it will be possible to access a major tournament taking part in tournaments online on Espacejeux satellite. Online qualifiers will run from September 1 to November 3, 2013. Several options will be offered to enable you to maximize your chances of winning, regardless of your style of play. Please note that the satellites played from November 4 lead exclusively at the Casino du Lac-Leamy.
$365 event
Mondays at 9: 30 pm and Tuesdays at 7:30 pm, you are invited to participate in the $15 + 1 satellites. These satellites are not guaranteed seats, but they lead directly to an event of the circuit of the WSOP $ 365 at the player's choice.
Event to $580
Wednesdays at 9: 30 pm and on Thursdays at 7:30 pm, join the satellites at $30 + $3 this time. These satellites are not guaranteed seats, but they lead directly to an event of the circuit of the WSOP $ 580 at the player's choice.
$1125 event
Saturday at 7:30 pm, you can try your chance to win an entry to the WSOP circuit event $ 1,125 in the land based casino of your choice. Play satellites to $40 + $4. These satellites provide no guaranteed seats.
$ 2,000 player's choice
The winner won a lot with a value of $2,000. At least $730 shall be paid for the registration fee to one or more events of the circuit of the WSOP (which corresponds to two entries to $365), regardless of the chosen land casino. These satellites do not lead to the online finals.
This structure of qualifying tournaments also includes both levels of satellites, scheduled daily, which culminate to the large satellite 80 $ + $8, played Sunday at 18:15. Each of these tournaments offers a guaranteed place.
Main event $ 3,200
The winner earns an entry to the main event of the circuit of the WSOP with a value of $1,675, plus $1 525 in cash, all worth a total of $3,200. The player must choose the main event in which he wishes to participate and, above all, in which city he wishes to exercise his talents (these satellites do not lead to the online finals).
This qualifying tournaments structure includes two levels of satellites, scheduled daily, which culminate to the large satellite $ 160 $ + 15, played Sunday at 18:45. Each of these tournaments offers a guaranteed place.
You can also qualify for one of the events of the circuit of the WSOP through qualifying tournaments in one of Québec's casinos. Qualifications in casino will take place from October 20 to November 10, 2013.
For more details on this series, you can visit the Espacejeux page dedicated to this event: the Casino du Lac-Leamy hosts a leg of the WSOP circuit
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