Event #53 - Hold'em no limit ($1500)
This tournament was to end yesterday while it remains more than 25 players in the race. After this day, one knows yet still not the winner bracelet since there are still 3 players in combat.
The trio is led by the English David Vamphew, which has 5.3 million chips.
At this stage, all players are assured of at least $ 291,392 and he will fight for a first place $ 665,397.
Event #54 Hold'em no limit ($1000)
In this tournament, a Quebecer was to follow: Carter Swidler. Even if it was in a good position at the beginning of the day (12th), Carter has not experienced an also good day than the day before.
He eventually finished his race in 145th position for a purse of $ 2.542.
After the day of yesterday, only 14 players remaining. The herd is led by Barry Hutter which has a little more than 2 M chips.
The tournament is scheduled to end today where can be found the winner of the bracelet and $ 454,382.
Event #55 The Poker Player Championship ($50,000)
Yesterday, continued this High Roller tournament with $ 50,000. We followed the tournament before great interest given the presence of Jonathan Duhamel at the forefront.
After the day of yesterday, the continent things of good go to "poker_john", which is currently ranked 2nd in the tournament, just behind David Benyamine.
Still in this tournament 78 players.
Only 16 will be paid ($111,893) while 1 will win honors, the bracelet and 1,774,089$.
Doyle Brunson meanwhile is still in the race in 33rd place with 265,000 tokens.
Event #56 - Hold'em no limit ($2500)
1736 players participated in this tournament ' no limit to $ 2500. Among them, many québécois which some are still in the race.
By position include:
22nd friend Alibay
103rd Marc-André Ladouceur
193rd Sam Chartier
205th Guy Lepage
At this stage, there are 261 players in the race while 198 will be paid. All will be the first place $ 730,7564! Good luck to all!
To watch today: Jonathan Duhamel in tournament at 50 K which is still in excellent position. In addition, the #56 tournament where 4 Quebecers are still in the race. A little later today will mark the beginning of a Hold'em Tournament ' no limit to $ 5,000. I bet many Quebecers meet.
To discuss the performance of Quebecers to the 2013 WSOP, you can use our discussion forums: Duhamel always among the leaders of the Championship at $50K