In April 2012, PokerCollectif talked you about a new site that had recently been launched to ensure your poker hands for a small commission. The idea had seduced a few players who were willing to pay that commission to have peace of mind on the side of variance.
Unfortunately, this morning, InsuredPlay announced in a press release that it will close its doors on 30 September. According to the press release, some difficulties over which team could not spend prevent them from continuing their operations.
Important information for present clients:
-Your funds are safe
-To get your money, you need to make a withdrawal before 30 September 2013
-If you still have money on the site after September 30, it will be impossible to make a withdrawal. In addition, you will no longer receive response assistance or help. Your money will be lost.
-Your money is available at the moment, so don't wait to make your withdrawals
Shame to see this company closed its doors after only 16 months of service. Is that another site will take over?
What do you think of such a project? Were you InsuredPlay a customer?
For those who saw this site as being EV - for gamers, here's what we said when presenting the site in April 2012:
"Even if it's a first glance EV - offer, it can be interesting for a player who would like to make the jump to a higher limit, but who's afraid of the variance. It happened to several; you make the jump to an upper limit and less than an hour, you have lost twice with AA all in preflop and two other buyin so that flush draws opponents complement each time! It can also be a good way to keep his attention on equity in the hands. It develops reflexes that force us to be more attentive to our game.
This insurance also provides other positive points. For example, if you're the type to tilt 2 stacks after losing with AA all in preflop against 33, this insurance is maybe for you. Yes, you will lose a few % over the long term, but it is nothing compared to the 2 or 3 buy-in you may have tuned.
This insurance also protects your bankroll to run bad periods."
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