Whether it's to enjoy a deposit bonus, to enjoy a low calibre of opponents or simply to change air, the new room of poker of Enet - Poker4Fish - may be of interest to you.
The benefits of playing on Poker4Fish, include:
-Lots of beginners
-Decent traffic (the triple Espacejeux to take a comparison)
-Rakeback (please contact us on this subject for more details)
-First deposit bonus of 200% / €1000
-Network security and fast customer service
Here are some other details and details on Poker4Fish:
A bonus that never expires
The deposit bonus is 200% / €1000 and never expires (PokerCollectif exclusive). Which is perfect for small players who do not much volume. In other words, you will not a fixed period to complete your bonus. You can take the number of times you want.
Poker4Fish associated with eNet
You will never have security or integrity on Poker4Fish since the poker room is associated with the network Italian eNet. This network is recognized to be very "fishy". The rake on the site is a little higher than the other rooms, but to compensate, PokerCollectif will offer you an interesting rakeback. For more information on this subject, you can contact the site administrators who will give you more details about it. We will make sure to give you the most interesting possible rakeback.
Can I use a tracker on eNet?
Yes! You will need a converter, but it will be possible to use your tracker preferred without problems. If you need assistance to do this, please feel free to ask for help on our discussion forum (see link below). We will help you via Team Viewer with pleasure if you ever need our help.
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