Thanks to Ryan for this article!
Author: Ryan aka "Ronin Talken"
Translation: Kidam for PokerCollectif
Consult the original article: http://www.freepokertheory.com/
Study and to defend themselves against the multitableurs
How can I defend me against the players that multi-table? Why and how to study these players will increase my winrate? Is that worth it to devote time to study?
As an aspiring player poker pro, you should already have a precise schedule to share your time between game periods and periods of study. When I speak of study period, I'm talking about periods outside tables. Poker is constantly evolving and it is very important to be always trying to learn and improve if you want to stay profitable. There are usually 2 ways to study: focus on hands (microcosm) and find the theories and the foundations of poker (macrocosm). This article will be an alternative for those who do focus on the study and research: here, we will look at your opponents as an object of study. When you do this work, you limit yourself to a player only, a good regular player. Not only study your regular will help you in your poker, but you'll immediately realize profits. Your decisions will be easier to take against them, you will be able to make the best table selection. In addition, you will be more comfortable before playing your poker (since regular good are those who will give you tough decisions).
Study your opponent
Take an opponent that you often see on your tables. Tables as this player plays, the better it will be. Rather than seek a fishs to select a table, look for a regular who plays a lot of tables. Get at least a few thousands of hands on him for your future study. If your opponent plays a lot of tables, it will not be very long. Play your usual poker, but made efforts to take notes as many as possible on this particular player. Take long accurate notes. Pay attention to stats during the session. Then see if your opponent is able to fit your style. Take note.
Note that this regular has probably already selected the best tables already for you. The other fishs will be at tables, as is the case every day, but you will have your eyes glued to this regular.
When you are outside tables, analyze its strategy. Open a Word document and take detailed notes. Note the adjustments you should make against him. Try to write its weak points and note that you need to do to operate these points. All players have weaknesses and you must find them. Note the adjustments to do against them.
You will learn a lot about poker in so doing. You will learn in a way that you are not used when reviewing hands (microcosm). It is rare that you think in terms of poker in for that player only. I am sure that this approach will help you greatly.
Initially, it will be surely long to do. The first person I studied took me 12 hours of my time. I will use this person as an example for the future. It was a good regular against which I was a little loser. He played 16 tables every day. For the simplicity of things, we'll call it Pokerfun123.
When I began my study, Pokerfun123 played 12 tables 3 hours of time per day. I got thousands of hands on him and then I started my study. I looked on sites like Sharkscope and PokerTableRating to get account that he was a regular on NL1000 in 2008 and that today ' hui, he was a regular on the NL200 tables. From this information, I learned some stuff like the fact that this player was surely behind his study.
I opened Hold'em Manager and I tried to get all the information I could get on this player. Quickly looking at the statistics, I realized that he was very aware of the position. He opened 12% UTG, 38% MP, 60% of the BTN. It 3bettait 12% on its button and 25% of the button when the CO opened. His c - bet was 80% and its double-barrel (c - bet flop + turn) was 75%. He loved pot - control top pairs evil kickees and often lacked value on the river. Of this information, I was able to deduce that his range to capitalize on the River was probably polarized.
Only with this information, I knew that I could have an advantage over him. He multi - tablait and probably would not make adjustments against me very quickly. I was now able to structure my range against this player with precision. I was also able to anticipate the adjustments that I would have to do against him. Over time, my opponent is adjusted (after some time). He was bluffing me less and value bettait more often, but I was already prepared for it, I was ahead of him. In my opinion, it fits only with information provided his HUD. He did not study detailed of his opponents as I do. But given that I me adjust to their adjustments (before him), it can take up to 15,000 or 20,000 hands before fit correctly against me. What is important to note here that is the information that my opponent has on me (via its HUD) are never truly representative of my strategy against him since there are also other players at the table against who I play and that I fit me very specifically against him. The beauty of the thing is that this regular was a very good table selector! So, when I played on its tables, there was me, 4 fishs and him. I made money with the 4 fishs as always, but the seat occupied by the regular was in this rendering a workable seat given all the information I had on him. Obviously, I earned less against this player against the fishs, but if I consider that I have been a long time loser against this player, the mere fact of winning 1BB per 100 hands is a not huge.
So, when you do this exercise, you exchange several hours of study to get this:
-You improve your general understanding of poker
-You add others beneficial to your list (in addition to the usual fishs)
-You create an infinite fish! A recreational player is a loser. It has an X of money amount to lose. Then, he will leave the poker. An exploitable regular (winner vs other players, but loser vs you) will be a fish with an infinite bankroll.
Obviously, here, is there nothing new. This is something that the high limit players are long. But this is something that the small limits players are little and it would be very profitable for them to do! Is a lot of effort, but the beauty of the thing is that you will find an immediate benefit in doing this exercise in a proper way. The important thing also is that if you have an advantage over 1 regular player that multi-table, it will be very profitable for you since you will see every day, 4-5 hours per day, on 8-9-10 of your tables.
In addition, this exercise will allow you to operate several types of players. You will have the tools and knowledge necessary to operate all types of players. You will best databases and knowledge to do so.
Good luck at the tables!
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