Article based on the memoirs of Aejones. This chapter will deal with the 3 - bet, because of caller 3 - bet and the 4 - bet with a small note on the pre-flop game when the stacks become very deep.
We are going to begin speaking of the polarization of the 3 - bet. The range of 3 - bet I use is not unique because I believe that many people use it. I'll explain the theory behind my 3 - bet so that you can use it in practice.
The polarization of 3 - bet means that you must know why you 3-bettez. You're 3-better for value or as a bluff. When you 3-bettez, your range must not be confused and does not need to be confused (varied). What it should be, it is swung. Your range of 3 - bet must be balanced between the time where you 3-Bernard as a bluff and for value. You need to change your range 3 - bet according to your opponent and have a range of 3 - bet bluff bigger or smaller according to your opponent. You must not have a range of 3 - bet between the two. We will start with a general overview of what it means.
Therefore, how to determine what will be your range of bluff and what will be your range of value? Your value range will be the range of hands you are ready to go all-in, with it's your strong hands like AA-KK-QQ-JJ-AK-AKs. Your range of bluff is anything that is not playable and your range of bluff will have to change a little and you can have a bluff - range unique. Your bluff - range against a player must take into account 3 things.
One that opens. How often the player who opens open? What are the dynamics between you?
It must also take into account the range of 'playback' of your opponent. What is very important. How often is your opponent likely you playback? This point is more important than the cards with which it opens. It is by knowing its range of playback you will know if your game is profitable or not. Sometimes, you'll profit because it foldera often pre-flop. Other times, you'll profit because it often callera and foldera the flop. Other times, you'll profit because it callera almost all flop and foldera many turning points.
Your position, its position. The playback range your opponent will change depending on its position.
Now, let's talk about bluff - range unorthodoxe. My bluff - range is something like 57 s, 89 s even if the times I'll caller with this hand because there's too much value to fetch, 45s, 56o.
If the range of playback of your opponent is very large, you want 3-better less and more caller with hands that will dominate. If your opponent has a range of playback which is very small, we want to do more 3 - bet bluff.
I'll give you an example. A tight Player opens UTG and you have AK button. You can 3-better because you will probably not dominate much of his hands. On the other hand, if it was a loose player, I would be more inclined to flat-caller. So here you 3-bettez a tight as a semi-bluff to her opponent make bedroom hands like small pairs for example or to make folder on several flop if ever he decided to caller pre-flop. This is why in this situation against a tight player, you are better off the 3-better because you will not dominate much of his hands. You could also do the same game with a hand like KQs given that this hand is one of elimination.
I must tell you that in the above situation, if your opponent you 4 - bet, you will need to folder because its value range will dominate your hand. It must not fall into a trap by saying: "Ah the bastard, he me 4 - bet bluff for me playback ' every time. You gotta just folder your hand, as a young girl. I do not think that people are good enough to make the 4 - bet often and I do not say that it is a conspiracy against me, and I'll simply folder. What is more simple and this is what it is better to do.
Obviously, if the stacks are deep, an opponent could you 4-better light and you could also push all in as bluff with 75o, but this isn't the kind of thing I'll do very often.
Against a fish or a mega-fish, you can expand your value - range and 3-better hands like KJ for value because it will almost never you 4better. KJ is not a hand with which we go 3-better, but the fish goes it you caller with hands like Q9...J9s or any other shit.
Why do you need to have a range of 3 - clear bet, i.e., for value and bluff? For easy to take decisions. A few times, you will be out of position and you won't have too difficult decisions to take. For example, if you 3-Bernard with a hand like 57, you want not stacker-off with only a pair of 5. The decision will be easy. If you 3-bettez one-handed medium like QT for example, hand that I do 3-betterai ever and that the flop gives 24T, you can fall into a trap and off stacker against a hand that dominates you like JJ for example. And that is why it is very important to have a range of 3 - polarized bet.
If we 3-bettons in this way, it is to blur our range in the eyes of our opponents, to confuse them. We do not have the range of hands that people think that we have.
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