To use this function, pass by the Utilities menu or the button "Enter Exchange Rates..." l screen for cash games.

This window is for players who play in foreign currency. For example, on Crypto, you can play in GBP instead of player in U.S. dollars. Like most other sites n offer l option to play in US dollars, you will have statistics in the statistics of cash games.
It is therefore possible to convert the amounts in Euro for example in US dollars. You can even, if you want, change the exchange rate each day so that PT accurately reflects your winnings over the exchange rate of the day.
If you have that Euros for example on the site (a site that n offers to play in Euros for example), such a precision n is not really necessary since the true value of your earnings will be calculated when your final withdrawal. For example, if you withdraw your money in Euros the 30th of the month of the poker site, your total earnings will be only affected by the exchange rate of the day when the funds will be deposited in US dollars on your Neteller account for example.
On the other hand, if your bankroll on the poker site is in U.S. dollars and you play on a table in Euros, you'll want as possible hold the exchange rate at day since every deposit to a table and each withdrawal from the table to your bankroll for each session, will be affected by the current exchange rate.
Manual modification
Click the "Add" button to add an exchange rate for a specific date. N you not to enter the exchange rate in GBP and EUROS for each of the dates. You can only return information for the currency that you are using.
Click on the 'Delete' button to delete a line (a date).
After you have made the changes, click 'Save' to save all changes that you made in the window.
If your bankroll is in US dollars and you open a table another motto, the poker software will give you the current exchange rate. Write it down on paper and later enter in this screen. N don't forget that the rate of Exchange used by the poker site may differ from the exchange rate you will get on the web for example. Noting the rate that the poker site gives you, make sure you have increased for the conversion accuracy.
Click on the link "Need Rates? '' (in PokerTracker) If you want to have specific dates earlier rates. Alternatively, you can make a massive change;
Mass Enter
The «mass enter» button allows you to enter the rate for a period of several days. This is useful if you n need d an approximation of exchange rate.
You will then see the following window:

Enter the date of departure and the end of the period and enter the exchange rate for the relevant currency.
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