Viktor "Isildur1" Blom is known for many things, but he is particularly known for its "swings" poker! Lose 1 M$ or win 1 M$ in a few weeks is nothing new to Viktor. Last September, Blom was far from having a good month losing 1, 3 m$, unlike for example to Phil Ivey, who in turn, had won a little more than 1 M$.
Its downswing ended recently while he returned to the green for the last 30 days (see the picture that accompanies this article).
On the side of the losers for the month, you can see Phil Galfond (-560 K$), Sanlker (-489 K$) and Phil Ivey (-464 K$).
To return to Isildur, his day yesterday was in the image of its sessions last 30 days. He pocketed $500K to 2-7 Triple Draw against Kagome Kagome and Sanlker before to lose it again almost as much SallyWoo and KPR16 to the FLO8.
If you want to continue to follow the action of the high limit cash games, you can refer to this thread on the forum: discuss highstakes cash games on PokerCollectif
In summary, since the beginning of the year 2013, here is the list of the biggest winners and the biggest losers on the poker tables online.
The top 20 of the largest winners since the beginning of the year:
Bttech86 $229 3,062
ragen70 $2 719 582
Isildur1 $634 2,836
FinddaGrind $306 2,050
PostflopAction $2 241 836
trex313 $1 881 137
Odd_Oddsen $1 739 870
no_Ola $567 1,895
Tight-Man1 1 460 $945
proudlikeagoat $395 1,913
IReadYrSoul $1 012 858
Follow The Hawk $945 136
azn_baller3 $816 285
OMGClayAiken $763 266
durrrr $750 625
mikki696 $706 942
HelicopterBen82 $666 143
RealAndyBeal $658 661
WCG|Rider $620 646
w00ki3z. $620 496
The top 20 of the biggest losers since the beginning of the year:
Gus Hansen $4 443 285
samrostan $4 046 854
MalACEsia $773 3,524
Polarizing $2 433 773
punting-peddler $1,958 401
Sauce1234 $1 378 378
patpatpanda $1 330 885
mastrblastr $220 of 1,399
davin77 $1 022 206
Johnbest $992 253
Rui CAD $974 166
KidPoker705 $941 768
CRAIN85 $925 500
Seb86 $692 080
Ziigmund $658 901
Ingenious89 $637 866
DealMeInFast $614 786
SanIker $580 353
Poker_KaMI $563 397
J B E Z 2 E Z $522 012
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