Today, it is that is played 1 of the WSOP circuit event at the casino de Lac-Leamy. The event is already underway since noon. The cost of registration for this tournament was $ 365 and a maximum of 350 players could take part in this event.
In total, it is 10 events that will be played until November 24. 2 other tournaments will take place on 7 and 8 December on Espacejeux. The winners of these 12 tournaments will win the exclusive ring in the colours of the circuit of the WSOP (see photo that accompanies this article.
As a reminder, here is the calendar of events:
PokerCollectif will be on hand Nov. 19 next to cover the main event $ 1675. You can follow the day on our Facebook page.
Photos and accounts of the day will be published.
Do you intend to play 1 or several of these tournaments?
For more details on these events, you can ask your questions on our forum or visit the web page of the casino.
You can discuss on our forums: day 1 of the WSOPC at casino du Lac-Leamy