Online poker players know that there is now a countless number of tools to help their game. PokerListings in association with PokerSnowie has just announced a new tool developed around the theory of optimal games (GTO in English) to offer the opportunity for his players to be coached by a "world-class player", according to their statements.
That is what PokerCoach?
PokerCoach is a tool of poker training based on the approach of "perfect game" of the PokerSnowie software. Developed with algorithms if sophisticated learning, PokerSnowie is an artificial intelligence of Texas Hold'em, coached in playing billions and billions of hands against herself, and finding the solution closer to the theory of games in every possible situation. PokerCoach is the training tool synchronized with a massive and optimized scenarios Hold'em. All you have to do as a user of PokerCoach is upload your hand histories in the software, and you are entitled to a discussion about your play in cash games in a perspective of optimal set. You will instantly get an assessment of your game, a specific list of errors you have made.
That offers PokerCoach?
Hand history analysis - Provides detailed statistics on your game with advice on the optimal game theory.
Error identification - Identifies specific errors you made and shows exactly where to enhance your game.
Measurable to improve ways - Class your game according to specific measures such as the error rate and the part of equity.
Analysis of situations - Council GTO (optimal game theory) on a piecemeal basis.
Visit PokerCoach for a free trial period of 10 days.
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