Month last, PokerCollectif informed you that the casino de Lac-Leamy will host a leg of the WSOP circuit.
Indeed, the Casino du Lac-Leamy will hold 10 tournaments of the circuit of the WSOP from 13 to 24 November, while the other 2 tournaments will take place on 7 and 8 December on Espacejeux. The winners of these 12 tournaments will win the exclusive ring in the colours of the WSOP circuit.
These events will be preceded by tournaments qualifying satellites, which will be held in four casinos in Quebec as well as on Espacejeux. Scholarships totalling nearly $ 4 million will be awarded to the winners.
"WSOP creates poker champions that are recognized worldwide by their ring, their bracelet, but above all, by the instant fame they acquire when they win one of these prestigious tournaments," said Charles Major, Director of product management at the society of Québec's casinos.
Satellite tournaments which will be held at the Montreal Casino, the Casino de Charlevoix, at the Casino du Lac-Leamy and Casino de Mont - Tremblant will begin on 20 October and will continue on 27 October, 3 and 10 November. It is already possible to participate in Espacejeux satellite tournaments. The tournament schedule is now available on all websites of casinos as well as espacejeux.com.
For more details on these upcoming events, you can always replay our article published last month.
You can also visit the page of the casino de Lac-Leamy: schedule of the WSOPC Casino du Lac - Leamy.
Discuss these upcoming tournaments on PokerCollectif forums: WSOPC - official tournaments calendar unveiling