Event #55 The Poker Player Championship ($50,000)
It is yesterday that ended this Championship to $ 50,000. Among the remaining players, one obviously was to watch for us: Jonathan Duhamel.
Jonathan was one of the first players to be eliminated yesterday while he came in 8th position for a purse of $ 207,630.
Don Nguyen who has long led this tournament was finished 2nd for a little over a million dollars.
The tournament was eventually won by Matthew Ashton of Liverpool. For his performance, he earned a scholarship from 1,774,089$.
For Ashton, it was his first bracelet, but its 8th award in a WSOP tournament. It brings the total of his earnings to 2. 1 M$.
Event #56 - Hold'em no limit ($2500)
Yesterday was held the final heads-up tournament. The German Nikolaus Teichert had a slight lead over his rival Vincent Maglio and he was able to take advantage of this advance by winning the tournament.
The American Vincent Maglio Meanwhile leaves not empty-handed with its purse of $ 452,008.
Event #57 - Hold'em no limit ($5000)
This tournament was going to play until the formation of a final table. Among the finalists, the Montrealers Carter Swidler was to follow. His race is however stopped ranked 16th for a purse of $ 30,399.
The tournament is currently dominated by Matt Perrins in Manchester with 1.9 M chips.
The winner of this tournament will win $ 792,275.
Event #58 - Little One for One Drop ($1,111)
Yesterday was played the day B of this popular tournament. It is finally 4756 players who have taken part in the event.
As a reminder, 9 Quebecers had managed to pass to the next round:
135th Jonathan Roy 24,375
145th Vincent Jacques 23,500
189th Pascal Lefrancois 19,775
Bill 204, Kontaratos 19,000
205th Philippe Boucher 18,950
247th Mathieu Clavet 15,425
294th Jean-Pascal Savard 12,850
296th Stéphane Bisson 12,700
419 Dean Murphy 1900
With the day yesterday, we add a few names. To summarize things, when the day will begin today, following Quebecers will be follow:
34th Eric Afriat 50,500
248th Carter Swidler 26.375
291st Jonathan Roy 24,375
314th Vincent Jacques 23,500
407 Pascal Lefrancois 19,775
431 Bill Kontaratos 19,000
433rd Philippe Boucher 18,950
519 Mathier Clavet 15,425
586th Jeff Hakim 13,225
606th Jean-Pascal Savard 12,850
614th Stéphane Bisson 12,700 (who insisted to be included among the Quebeckers, same if born in Ottawa)
742 John Xenos 9,400
902 Dean Murphy 1,900
Big day to follow so! At this stage, there are still 588 players in the race while 495 will be paid.
The winner of this tournament will be richer by $ 663,727.
The action will resume this afternoon and the tournament is scheduled to end tomorrow evening.
Event #59-2-7 Triple Draw Lowball ($2500)
282 players participated in this tournament to 2-7. At this stage, it remains more than 10 players in the race. Among them, 2 Canadians: Daniel Negreanu 8th with 134,000 tokens and Mike Watson ranked 9th with 120,000 in chips.
The tournament is dominated by David Baker, who has a considerable lead over his rivals with his stack of 458,000.
Players will fight today for a first prize of $ 173,236.
To watch today:
-The beginning of the #60, a Hold'em Tournament event ' no limit to $ 1500 which is expected to draw several players and several Quebec.
-The sequel to Little One for One Drop which contained 13 Quebec!
To discuss the performance of Quebecers to the 2013 WSOP, you can use our discussion forums: 13 Quebecers to follow today in the Little One for One Drop!