Event #58 - Little One for One Drop ($1,111)
This tournament ended yesterday and the final table had only a Canadian. Nghi Tran of Vaughn to the Canada finished 5th for a purse of $ 163,340.
The tournament was eventually won by the American Brian Yoon, who earned $ 663,727.
Recall that this tournament including served to raise funds for the One Drop Foundation dealt with Guy Laliberté.
Event #60 - Hold'em no limit ($1500)
All present Quebecers to this tournament had unfortunately fallen in combat. Before beginning the day yesterday, it remained more than 15 players in the race.
The final duel took place between the Canadian Yongshuo Zheng and the American Loni Harwood. It was the American who had reason Canadian.
On the final hand, the Canadian hit his straight on the River with AQ KJ8JT and pushed all in. Unfortunately for him, the American was JT to the full and took a second to call the bet.
The two men leave respectively with $ 378,607 and $ 609,017. A full pay for the US!
Event #61-Pot Limit Omaha ($10,000)
This tournament especially interested us given the presence of Jonathan Duhamel. Duhamel had to stop his race yesterday in 19th position for a $ 32,691 scholarship.
After several hours of play, it is ultimately the American Daniel Alaei, who won the tournament and the $852,692!
Event #62 - Hold'em no limit (Main Event $ 10,000)
Yesterday was played the day 1 B of the tournament. Several Quebec participated in this day, and several are still in the race. They are in addition to the many names listed after the day 1 has.
We thus find for this day:
Miguel Proulx (150,500)
Armenak Kizirian (81,000)
Sam Chartier (69.575)
Vincent Jacques (54,650)
Patrick "kfax" Braga (52,550)
Samuel "eqn778" Gagnon (49,900)
Marc-Étienne "GuacamolePoker" Blais (45,650)
Marc-Étienne "GénéralIrish" McLaughlin (45,300)
Jonathan "Brendl" Roy (44,900)
Garen Nichanian (44,025)
Philippe Belley (42,375)
Guillaume Gignac (38,325)
Laurence "Sharon" Grondin (35,325)
Omri Moga (30,800)
Dimitrios Passias (24,425)
Jiachen Gond (15,950)
Marc-André "FrenchDawg" Ladouceur (9,400)
Miguel is 8th at the end of this day just behind Daniel "jungleman12" Cates 3rd which has 188,425 chips and the French Clement Tripodi on 1st row which has 207,050 tokens.
At this stage, there are 1942 players in the race. To them will add players who cross the day 1 c today.
Good luck to Quebecers who will begin the day 1 c.
To discuss the performance of Quebecers to the WSOP 2013 or to add the name of a Quebecer who was not mentioned in this article, you can do so on our discussion forums: WSOP Main Event: Miguel Proulx among leaders in the day 1 B