{Slide = What should my bankroll to play S & G x $?}
In general, for small limits you must have 30 to 50 times the number of buy ins and the highest limits, between 50 and 100 times the number of buy ins. So at a minimum, you need $ 300 bankroll to play to think S & G $ 10. By cons, all depends in part on your risk tolerance. For example, risking $ 10 in your bankroll of $ 1,000 is less worse than risking $ 10 in a $ 300 bankroll. If you believe that because of that your games will be suboptimal, make sure you have the most money in your bankroll. It is not better if you while you're favorites to save $ 10 of your bankroll fold.
{/ Slide}
{Slide = What should my bankroll to play in MTT x $?}
Again, the minimum will depend on your risk tolerance, but for MTT it is recommended to have at least between 50 and 100 buy ins. So to make multitable tournaments $ 10, you devre have at least between $ 500 and $ 1,000 in your bankroll.
{/ Slide}
{Slide = And for rebuy tournaments?}
To play rebuy tournaments optimally, you must be ready to put as much rebuy that you take. Get a $ 50 rebuy tournament and just be ready to invest $ 50 or $ 100 is a big mistake! If you do not want to invest much money you keep in tournaments without rebuys or rebuy tournaments with buy ins lower. The minimum is preferably 50 to 100 times the number of buy ins minimum, but in consideration prennant rebuys. If you average 3.3 per rebuy tournament and the buy in is $ 3 in the number of buy ins required calculated $ 10 ($ 3 X3.3). So if you average 3.3 rebuy, you must have at least between $ 500 and $ 1,000 in your bankroll.
{/ Slide}
{Slide = I play S & G. What should my average return?}
11s - 25% ROI
20s - 20% ROI
33s - 16% ROI
55s - 13% ROI
109s - 10% ROI
215s - 7% ROI
{/ Slide}
{Slide = Meaning Naughty is 22/17/2.83?}
This is a reference to the style of game players. He sees 30% flop (VP% IP), he raised preflop 5% of the time, and his aggressiveness is 2. These figures come from Poker Tracker. Although useful, the last value is optional. So, for example by posting a hand you can say "The player I played against was 45/10/2 and ...".
NOTE: This award is more useful statistics in cash games. In tournaments, these statistics will change greatly depending on the level and under the carpet each player relative to the blinds. That is why it is mainly used in cash games.
See also the discussion forum: Meaning Naughty is 22/17/2.83
{/ Slide}
{Slide = Is the playmoney (fake money) is an essential path?}
Yes and no. From a technical point of view permanently. This will allow you to know how a poker game works, rounds of betting, which player speaks first, minumums updates, reminders, etc.. By cons, a strategic point of view, playmoney is totally unnecessary.
{/ Slide}
{Slide = What the ICM and what are its applications?}
Description ICM and this page .
A summary of the applications of this algorithm on 2 +2.
How to calculate the ICM.
Zee Justin on the ICM.
{/ Slide}
{Slide = What is M?}
M is simply a ratio stack + blinds :: ante. For example, if you T170000 with a table of 10 players and the blinds are 5000/10000 with a 1000 ante, your M will be about 7 (170000 / (5000 +10000 + (1000 * 10)) = 6.8 ). This is your M which will be the basis of your strategy tournaments; the lower it is, the worse the situation is critical!
{/ Slide}
{Slide = What is Q?}
Q is simply your stack compared to the average of the tournament. For example, if you T30000 chips and the average table is T10000, your Q will be 3 (30000/10000 = 3). Q is not a determining factor in your strategy; M is the benefit that will dictate the strategy you should adopt. By cons, it is very useful to know.
{/ Slide}
{Slide = I noticed that some books seem to have conflicting theories?}
It's possible. For example, the "experts" do not agree on something as simple as the validity of boost or not to limit preflop with AK thing. It is therefore obvious that there will be no more consensus for advanced theories. Also, every player has his own style of play, and plays in different environements. The style of play poker in Vegas is very different from the casinos in North Carolina for example. It is obvious that the suggestions in the book game player will be affected. That is why it is not recommended to take all suggestions of books to the letter without asking questions; it is not because a player suggest doing this game is a good game in all circumstances.
{/ Slide}
{Slide = Should I play S & G 10 or 9 players? Does it matter?}
A player "means" going to make money in 30% of the time in 10-player tournaments as there are 3 places paid (3/10). The% is a little higher for S & G to 9 players ... 33% (3 of 9 positions). It is certainly more motivating to finish more often in money ... but it pays about the same thing ...
If for example the person plays 100 S & G and still finished third);
10 players $ 10 * 100 * 30% = $ 300 earnings - 7 buy in Lost ($ 35) = $ 265
9 players: $ 9 * 100 * 33%: $ 297 gain - 6 buy in Lost ($ 30) = $ 267
If the person often also finished 1st, 2nd, 3rd or
10j: ($ 50/3) * 100 * 30% = $ 500 earnings less $ 35 ($ 465)
9j: ($ 45/3) * 100 * 33% = $ 495 earnings, $ 30 ($ 465)
So for a play "means" it even comes to the nearest dollar. For a player who began the tournament with 9 players are suggested to finish in the money more often. Income will be the same, but it's encouraging to finish in the money more often, especially for a player who begins ...
For cons, the figures vary greatly when the winning percentage is rising! In this case, the 10-player tournaments devienent much more profitable. For example, a person who finished in the money 50% of the time, as often as 1st, 2nd, 3rd that.
10j: ($ 50/3) * 100 * 50% = $ 833 earnings less than $ 25 ($ 808)
9j: ($ 45/3) * 100 * 50% = $ 750 earnings less than $ 25 ($ 725)
{/ Slide}
{Slide = Why the hand ranking was doing well and why it varies depending on the variant you?}
{/ Slide}
{Slide = Why did the flush, flush more frequent than at 7, is stronger?}
It is the same with pairs: AA is better than 22, while their frequency of occurrence is the same. Only the value of groups of hands (flush, suite, ...) is based on the frequency. Within each group, it is still the highest card wins. There is less than 7-high flush possible that Ace-high flush but as ace is higher, this is the best flush.
The reason why there is less than 7-high flush is simple: there is less possibilities. There are 1277 possible flush for each suite and only 4 are 7-high. For a 7-high flush, possible cards are 76542, 76532, 76432, and 75432 Of course, there are many more opportunities to flush the ace can be made because of all the cards. AKT42, AQJ64, etc.. The next time you perderez against a higher flush you can at least comfort you by telling you that you have the best hand, mathematically!
{/ Slide}
{Slide = I raise preflop to 3BB preflop and someone won with 68s. Cursed fish!}
It may be a fish, but a call with 68s is certainly profitable for a good player if the winning conditions are met. Should not therefore rely solely on the fact that the player has played a particular hand after a raise to qualify mediocre player. By aillor, caller a raise with 68s is certainly not recommended for a beginner player.
{/ Slide}
{Slide = Can we have 3 pairs in Texas Hold'em?}
No. Only the best 5 card account in the composition of a hand.
For example, you have 76 and the flop is AAK76.
Your final hand here is two pair aces and 7, with a King Kicker, using AAK7 cards community cards (the board) and 7 of your cards.
{/ Slide}
{Slide = How many kickers (acolytes) count}
There is no limit.
If the hand is AK vs A2 Q9997 on a table, one kicker account. The final hands A999 (K) vs A999 (Q). The "2" of the second player does not intend, as the table is greater than the J.
It is obvious that for a suite, there is no kicker. In contrast, there may be four in the case of "high cards" for example. For example, the hand is AT, vs A3, K7894 on a table. The winner will have the final hand, "Ace high card; K kicker." By cons, all other cards will be taken into account in determining the winner. (A) K (T) 78 vs AK 789. If the board cards are all greater than the players, for example A2 vs A3 on a table KQ894 (smallest map table 4, is greater than 2 and 3 players), it will be of a split pot.
{/ Slide}
{Slide = What happens if someone bets more than my carpet?}
You can either fold or go all-in (All-in). If you go all-in, you do not follow that most of what you have on the table.
For example, suppose the pot is $ 10. You have $ 2 on the table. Tom has $ 6 in front of him and Jerry was also $ 6 in front of him.
Suppose that Tom put $ 6. Since you can not follow its $ 6, you must either fold or go all-in. If you go all-in, you will only pay $ 2. In addition, you can only win the pot $ 10 and $ 2 bets each player that you followed in that round.
In this example, assume that Jerry follow the development of Tom and you go all-in. In this case, there will be a main and a side pot pot (a side pot). There would be $ 16 in the main pot ($ 10 pot base, plus your $ 2, the $ 2 $ 2 Tom and Jerry). In parallel pot there would be $ 8 ($ 4 $ 4 Jerry and Tom). That whatsoever you 3 who has the best hand wins the main pot. However, the side pot will be won by either Tom or Jerry.
{/ Slide}
{Slide = What is the difference between a regular tournament and the Rebuy (rebuy)?}
In a tournament to rebuy or Rebuy, if a player is knocked out, or that the token number is very low, it has the option to return to the tournament by paying a new buy-in. Generally, rebuys are allowed for a certain period of time. At the end of this period, we can not go into the tournament if we get out. The exact regulations that regulate differ rebuys tournament.
Regular tournaments (also known as freezeout tournament) do not allow rebuy.
See also these discussions:
- the mtt rebuy or add-on right? {/ Slide}
{Slide = highest paid: Cash Games or S & G?}
{Slide = tournaments is it just luck?}
See: tournaments .... just the chances? .
{/ Slide}
{Slide = Differences between MTT strategy, S & G and cash games.}
See: S & G vs vs MTT Cash Games .
{/ Slide}
{Slide = Various Games on the bubble}
In general, for small limits you must have 30 to 50 times the number of buy ins and the highest limits, between 50 and 100 times the number of buy ins. So at a minimum, you need $ 300 bankroll to play to think S & G $ 10. By cons, all depends in part on your risk tolerance. For example, risking $ 10 in your bankroll of $ 1,000 is less worse than risking $ 10 in a $ 300 bankroll. If you believe that because of that your games will be suboptimal, make sure you have the most money in your bankroll. It is not better if you while you're favorites to save $ 10 of your bankroll fold.
{/ Slide}
{Slide = What should my bankroll to play in MTT x $?}
Again, the minimum will depend on your risk tolerance, but for MTT it is recommended to have at least between 50 and 100 buy ins. So to make multitable tournaments $ 10, you devre have at least between $ 500 and $ 1,000 in your bankroll.
{/ Slide}
{Slide = And for rebuy tournaments?}
To play rebuy tournaments optimally, you must be ready to put as much rebuy that you take. Get a $ 50 rebuy tournament and just be ready to invest $ 50 or $ 100 is a big mistake! If you do not want to invest much money you keep in tournaments without rebuys or rebuy tournaments with buy ins lower. The minimum is preferably 50 to 100 times the number of buy ins minimum, but in consideration prennant rebuys. If you average 3.3 per rebuy tournament and the buy in is $ 3 in the number of buy ins required calculated $ 10 ($ 3 X3.3). So if you average 3.3 rebuy, you must have at least between $ 500 and $ 1,000 in your bankroll.
{/ Slide}
{Slide = I play S & G. What should my average return?}
11s - 25% ROI
20s - 20% ROI
33s - 16% ROI
55s - 13% ROI
109s - 10% ROI
215s - 7% ROI
{/ Slide}
{Slide = Meaning Naughty is 22/17/2.83?}
This is a reference to the style of game players. He sees 30% flop (VP% IP), he raised preflop 5% of the time, and his aggressiveness is 2. These figures come from Poker Tracker. Although useful, the last value is optional. So, for example by posting a hand you can say "The player I played against was 45/10/2 and ...".
NOTE: This award is more useful statistics in cash games. In tournaments, these statistics will change greatly depending on the level and under the carpet each player relative to the blinds. That is why it is mainly used in cash games.
See also the discussion forum: Meaning Naughty is 22/17/2.83
{/ Slide}
{Slide = Is the playmoney (fake money) is an essential path?}
Yes and no. From a technical point of view permanently. This will allow you to know how a poker game works, rounds of betting, which player speaks first, minumums updates, reminders, etc.. By cons, a strategic point of view, playmoney is totally unnecessary.
{/ Slide}
{Slide = What the ICM and what are its applications?}
Description ICM and this page .
A summary of the applications of this algorithm on 2 +2.
How to calculate the ICM.
Zee Justin on the ICM.
{/ Slide}
{Slide = What is M?}
M is simply a ratio stack + blinds :: ante. For example, if you T170000 with a table of 10 players and the blinds are 5000/10000 with a 1000 ante, your M will be about 7 (170000 / (5000 +10000 + (1000 * 10)) = 6.8 ). This is your M which will be the basis of your strategy tournaments; the lower it is, the worse the situation is critical!
{/ Slide}
{Slide = What is Q?}
Q is simply your stack compared to the average of the tournament. For example, if you T30000 chips and the average table is T10000, your Q will be 3 (30000/10000 = 3). Q is not a determining factor in your strategy; M is the benefit that will dictate the strategy you should adopt. By cons, it is very useful to know.
{/ Slide}
{Slide = I noticed that some books seem to have conflicting theories?}
It's possible. For example, the "experts" do not agree on something as simple as the validity of boost or not to limit preflop with AK thing. It is therefore obvious that there will be no more consensus for advanced theories. Also, every player has his own style of play, and plays in different environements. The style of play poker in Vegas is very different from the casinos in North Carolina for example. It is obvious that the suggestions in the book game player will be affected. That is why it is not recommended to take all suggestions of books to the letter without asking questions; it is not because a player suggest doing this game is a good game in all circumstances.
{/ Slide}
{Slide = Should I play S & G 10 or 9 players? Does it matter?}
A player "means" going to make money in 30% of the time in 10-player tournaments as there are 3 places paid (3/10). The% is a little higher for S & G to 9 players ... 33% (3 of 9 positions). It is certainly more motivating to finish more often in money ... but it pays about the same thing ...
If for example the person plays 100 S & G and still finished third);
10 players $ 10 * 100 * 30% = $ 300 earnings - 7 buy in Lost ($ 35) = $ 265
9 players: $ 9 * 100 * 33%: $ 297 gain - 6 buy in Lost ($ 30) = $ 267
If the person often also finished 1st, 2nd, 3rd or
10j: ($ 50/3) * 100 * 30% = $ 500 earnings less $ 35 ($ 465)
9j: ($ 45/3) * 100 * 33% = $ 495 earnings, $ 30 ($ 465)
So for a play "means" it even comes to the nearest dollar. For a player who began the tournament with 9 players are suggested to finish in the money more often. Income will be the same, but it's encouraging to finish in the money more often, especially for a player who begins ...
For cons, the figures vary greatly when the winning percentage is rising! In this case, the 10-player tournaments devienent much more profitable. For example, a person who finished in the money 50% of the time, as often as 1st, 2nd, 3rd that.
10j: ($ 50/3) * 100 * 50% = $ 833 earnings less than $ 25 ($ 808)
9j: ($ 45/3) * 100 * 50% = $ 750 earnings less than $ 25 ($ 725)
{/ Slide}
{Slide = Why the hand ranking was doing well and why it varies depending on the variant you?}
It is based on the probability that a hand in relation to another. Look at the picture attached to see the odds of hitting each hand as the card number variant (3, 5 or 7).

{Slide = Why did the flush, flush more frequent than at 7, is stronger?}
It is the same with pairs: AA is better than 22, while their frequency of occurrence is the same. Only the value of groups of hands (flush, suite, ...) is based on the frequency. Within each group, it is still the highest card wins. There is less than 7-high flush possible that Ace-high flush but as ace is higher, this is the best flush.
The reason why there is less than 7-high flush is simple: there is less possibilities. There are 1277 possible flush for each suite and only 4 are 7-high. For a 7-high flush, possible cards are 76542, 76532, 76432, and 75432 Of course, there are many more opportunities to flush the ace can be made because of all the cards. AKT42, AQJ64, etc.. The next time you perderez against a higher flush you can at least comfort you by telling you that you have the best hand, mathematically!
{/ Slide}
{Slide = I raise preflop to 3BB preflop and someone won with 68s. Cursed fish!}
It may be a fish, but a call with 68s is certainly profitable for a good player if the winning conditions are met. Should not therefore rely solely on the fact that the player has played a particular hand after a raise to qualify mediocre player. By aillor, caller a raise with 68s is certainly not recommended for a beginner player.
{/ Slide}
{Slide = Can we have 3 pairs in Texas Hold'em?}
No. Only the best 5 card account in the composition of a hand.
For example, you have 76 and the flop is AAK76.
Your final hand here is two pair aces and 7, with a King Kicker, using AAK7 cards community cards (the board) and 7 of your cards.
{/ Slide}
{Slide = How many kickers (acolytes) count}
There is no limit.
If the hand is AK vs A2 Q9997 on a table, one kicker account. The final hands A999 (K) vs A999 (Q). The "2" of the second player does not intend, as the table is greater than the J.
It is obvious that for a suite, there is no kicker. In contrast, there may be four in the case of "high cards" for example. For example, the hand is AT, vs A3, K7894 on a table. The winner will have the final hand, "Ace high card; K kicker." By cons, all other cards will be taken into account in determining the winner. (A) K (T) 78 vs AK 789. If the board cards are all greater than the players, for example A2 vs A3 on a table KQ894 (smallest map table 4, is greater than 2 and 3 players), it will be of a split pot.
{/ Slide}
{Slide = What happens if someone bets more than my carpet?}
You can either fold or go all-in (All-in). If you go all-in, you do not follow that most of what you have on the table.
For example, suppose the pot is $ 10. You have $ 2 on the table. Tom has $ 6 in front of him and Jerry was also $ 6 in front of him.
Suppose that Tom put $ 6. Since you can not follow its $ 6, you must either fold or go all-in. If you go all-in, you will only pay $ 2. In addition, you can only win the pot $ 10 and $ 2 bets each player that you followed in that round.
In this example, assume that Jerry follow the development of Tom and you go all-in. In this case, there will be a main and a side pot pot (a side pot). There would be $ 16 in the main pot ($ 10 pot base, plus your $ 2, the $ 2 $ 2 Tom and Jerry). In parallel pot there would be $ 8 ($ 4 $ 4 Jerry and Tom). That whatsoever you 3 who has the best hand wins the main pot. However, the side pot will be won by either Tom or Jerry.
{/ Slide}
{Slide = What is the difference between a regular tournament and the Rebuy (rebuy)?}
In a tournament to rebuy or Rebuy, if a player is knocked out, or that the token number is very low, it has the option to return to the tournament by paying a new buy-in. Generally, rebuys are allowed for a certain period of time. At the end of this period, we can not go into the tournament if we get out. The exact regulations that regulate differ rebuys tournament.
Regular tournaments (also known as freezeout tournament) do not allow rebuy.
See also these discussions:
- the mtt rebuy or add-on right? {/ Slide}
{Slide = highest paid: Cash Games or S & G?}
See: Profits sng vs cash game .
See also: S & G vs vs MTT Cash Games .
{/ Slide}{Slide = tournaments is it just luck?}
See: tournaments .... just the chances? .
{/ Slide}
{Slide = Differences between MTT strategy, S & G and cash games.}
See: S & G vs vs MTT Cash Games .
{/ Slide}
{Slide = Various Games on the bubble}
Here are some discussion hands on the bubble or near it.
See also the FAQs on the ICM.
{/ Slide}