Tournament is as soon as all players still in the hand in his all. For example, if it is all in preflop, the cards are about nose immediately before the flop is Deale. In a cash game, it is not the same thing. Should an all in, the cards are only about nose after all the cards have been dealées on the flop, after which the river. A player who wants a same option mucker his cards.
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{Slide = There are too many fish in the limit when I play. Is what I can come up limit?}
Not without the bankroll for. And if you can not beat the fish of your current limit, you will not be able to beat most good players upper limits. And even if the game was easier, you do not have the bankroll necessary, you will not be able to cope with the swing that your bankroll will suffer after a few losing sessions. However, if you want to mount such limit to face good players, there is probably a free place on a table NL1000 $ -2000 $ ...
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{Slide = Is the playmoney (fake money) is an essential path?}
Yes and no. From a technical point of view permanently. This will allow you to know how a poker game works, rounds of betting, which player speaks first, minumums updates, reminders, etc.. By cons, a strategic point of view, playmoney is totally unnecessary.
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{Slide = What micro-limits, limits small, medium and large?}
Micro limits: NL10 and less
Little Limits: NL25 - NL100
Averages limits: NL200 - NL1000
Upper Limits: NL1200 and more
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{Slide = What is the bankroll required for each limit in NL?}
A minimum wholesale wholesale, make sure you have 20 buy ins available. If you play NL50 $, make sure you have at least $ 1,000 in your bankroll.
$ 0.01 / $ 0.02 - $ 40
$ 0.05 / $ 0.10 - $ 200
$ 0.10 / $ 0.25 - $ 500
$ 0.25 / $ 0.50 - $ 1000
$ 0.50 / $ 1.00 - $ 2000
$ 1.00 / $ 2.00 - $ 4,000
$ 2.00 / $ 4.00 - $ 8,000
By cons, if poker is your one back, you must have a higher bankroll to mount limit. Instead of 20 buys in, you should have 40 buy ins before getting to limit face any eventuality. By cons, all depends in part on your risk tolerance. For example, risking $ 20 in your bankroll of $ 1,000 is less worse than risking $ 20 in a $ 300 bankroll. If you believe that because of that your games will be suboptimal, make sure you have the most money in your bankroll. It is not better if you while you're favorites to save $ 20 bankroll fold.
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{Slide = What is the bankroll required for each limit in limit?}
Just like the NL, it depends on your risk tolerence. At a minimum you should have 200 big bets or limit you play. If poker is your only source of income, expect to have 500 big bets to mount limit.
$ 0.10 / $ 0.25 - $ 125
$ 0.25 / $ 0.50 - $ 250
$ 0.50 / $ 1.00 - $ 500
$ 1.00 / $ 2.00 - $ 1000
$ 2.00 / $ 4.00 - $ 2000
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{Slide = I raise preflop to 3BB preflop and someone won with 68s. Cursed fish!}
It may be a fish, but a call with 68s is certainly profitable for a good player if the winning conditions are met. Should not therefore rely solely on the fact that the player has played a particular hand after a raise to qualify mediocre player. By aillor, caller a raise with 68s is certainly not recommended for a beginner player.
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{Slide = A session of 95 hands, I saw flop% x, x times revived. Analyze my stats.}
95 hands is far too little to analyze the style of a player. It is virtually impossible to use the stats that pokerroom offer even their software because there are not enough hands snuff considered.
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{Slide = What is 30/5/2 phrase?}
This is a reference to the style of game players. He sees 30% flop (VP% IP), he raised preflop 5% of the time, and his aggressiveness is 2. These figures come from Poker Tracker. Although useful, the last value is optional. So, for example by posting a hand you can say "The player I played against was 45/10/2 and ...".
See also the discussion forum: Meaning Naughty is 22/17/2.83
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{Slide = I lost a set against an overset on a flop no action or color possible.}
No. Losing a set against an overset will happen about 1% of the time, and if you do not lose much money on such a hand is that you do not play aggressive enough. Unless there are extenuating circumstances, it is relatively difficult to sleep a set on the flop without prints and / or possibility of continuation or flush.
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{Slide = What is better? Play 4 tables of $ NLX or 2 tables at the upper limit.}
It depends on many factors (average rake,% rakeback / bonuses, etc..), But it usually costs about the same. By cons, when the amount falls BB/100 limit-which is very plausible, the lower limit becomes much more profitable.
Ex: 4 vs 2 tables NL50 NL100 (bonus = 27% of the rake)
5BB/100 NL50 ($ 12 / hr) + good (2.59/hr) 4tbl = $ 14.59 / hr
5BB/100 NL100 ($ 12 / hr) + good ($ 2.74 / hr) 2tbl = $ 14.76 / hr
4BB/100 NL100 ($ 9.6 / hr) + good ($ 2.74 / hr) 2tbl = $ 12.34 / hr
See also

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{Slide = Why the hand ranking was doing well and why it varies depending on the variant you?}
It is based on the probability that a hand in relation to another. Look at the picture attached to see the odds of hitting each hand as the card number variant (3, 5 or 7).

{Slide = Why did the flush, flush more frequent than at 7, is stronger?}
It is the same with pairs: AA is better than 22, while their frequency of occurrence is the same. Only the value of groups of hands (flush, suite, ...) is based on the frequency. Within each group, it is still the highest card wins. There is less than 7-high flush possible that Ace-high flush but as ace is higher, this is the best flush.
The reason why there is less than 7-high flush is simple: there is less possibilities. There are 1277 possible flush for each suite and only 4 are 7-high. For a 7-high flush, possible cards are 76542, 76532, 76432, and 75432 Of course, there are many more opportunities to flush the ace can be made because of all the cards. AKT42, AQJ64, etc.. The next time you perderez against a higher flush you can at least comfort you by telling you that you have the best hand, mathematically!
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{Slide = Can we have 3 pairs in Texas Hold'em?}
No. Only the best 5 card account in the composition of a hand.
For example, you have 76 and the flop is AAK76.
Your final hand here is two pair aces and 7, with a King Kicker, using AAK7 cards community cards (the board) and 7 of your cards.
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{Slide = How many kickers (acolytes) count}
There is no limit.
If the hand is AK vs A2 A9993 on a table, one kicker account. The final hands A999 (K) vs A999 (3). The "2" of the second player does not count since the table 3 is higher.
It is obvious that for a suite, there is no kicker. In contrast, there may be four in the case of "high cards" for example. For example, the hand is AT, vs A3, K7894 on a table. The winner will have the final hand, "Ace high card; K kicker." By cons, all other cards will be taken into account in determining the winner. (A) K (T) 78 vs AK 789. If cards in the table is greater than that of all players, for example vs A2 A3 KQ894 on a table, it will be a split pot.
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{Slide = What happens if someone bets more than my carpet?}
You can either fold or go all-in (All-in). If you go all-in, you do not follow that most of what you have on the table.
For example, suppose the pot is $ 10. You have $ 2 on the table. Tom has $ 6 in front of him and Jerry was also $ 6 in front of him.
Suppose that Tom put $ 6. Since you can not follow its $ 6, you must either fold or go all-in. If you go all-in, you will only pay $ 2. In addition, you can only win the pot $ 10 and $ 2 bets each player that you followed in that round.
In this example, assume that Jerry follow the development of Tom and you go all-in. In this case, there will be a main and a side pot pot (a side pot). There would be $ 16 in the main pot ($ 10 pot base, plus your $ 2, the $ 2 $ 2 Tom and Jerry). In parallel pot there would be $ 8 ($ 4 $ 4 Jerry and Tom). That whatsoever you 3 who has the best hand wins the main pot. However, the side pot will be won by either Tom or Jerry.
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{Slide = Is what I can buy more chips during the hand instead of going to carpet?}
No. It is possible to buy chips, but you have no access to the next hand.
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{Slide = Can I join a party that position aillor BB?}
When you get in a game, you can either pay the BB whatever your position, or you can expect to be the position of the BB and start playing at that time.
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{Slide = What is the maximum number of bets / raises the limit?}
It depends on the rules where you play. Generally, poker rooms allow a bet (a bet) and up to 3 raises (Raises) per round of betting. Some places allow up to four reminders.
If it is a duel (heads up), the poker room may allow an unlimited number of bets / raises. In a casino "live", you agree to go "all in" if both players agree. This prevents players from having to put their money dollar by dollar.
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{Slide = How is the pot in a pot-limit game?}
In a pot-limit game, a person may bet or raise the pot up. During a normal round of betting, the pot is the amount of money currently in the pot.
When someone makes a bet in the round, the maximum amount you can raise is equal to: the amount of the pot + bet amount in turn + the amount you need to follow.
For example, let's say the pot is $ 10 and someone bets $ 5. You want to raise to the maximum. In this case, you can restart up to $ 20 ($ 10 + $ 5 + $ 5), so that your total bet is $ 25
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{Slide = Is it possible to go 'all in' limit hold'em?}
It depends on the rules where you play. Generally, poker rooms allow a bet (a bet) and up to 3 raises (Raises) per round of betting. Some places allow up to four reminders.
If it is a duel (heads up), the poker room may allow an unlimited number of bets / raises. In a casino "live", you agree to go "all in" if both players agree. This prevents players from having to put their money dollar by dollar.
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{Slide = highest paid: Cash Games or S & G?}
See: Profits sng vs cash game .
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{Slide = Folder KK or AA preflop?}
See these discussions:
Fold KK preflop first life ... and shit ...
Have you ever folder AA preflop?
{/ Slide}{Slide = The dangers and virtues of slow play.}
See these discussions:
The art of a hand in the scrap slowplayant ...
Slowplay, slow play, slow play.
{/ Slide}{Slide = Spending Limit to NL}
See: Spending Limit to NL
{/ Slide}
{Slide = The Aggression Factor}
View: Whether our "Aggression Factor" is good?
{/ Slide}
{Slide = Differences between MTT strategy, S & G and cash games.}
See: S & G vs vs MTT Cash Games .
{/ Slide}
{Slide = Playing AK in NL.}
See the following discussions:
- Good old AK still brewed ...
- NL100: AK pre-flop{/ Slide}
{Slide = Play QA NL.}
See the following discussions:
- AQo in a reraised pot, good fold?
- AQo BB.{/ Slide}
{Slide = Play a flush.}
See these discussions:
- I hit a flush on the flop ... but easy fold?
- Flush King high. Played badly?
- Folder the second nut flush?
{/ Slide}
{Slide = What about the preflop reraise?}
See this disucssion.
{/ Slide}
{Slide = I'm reraiser preflop! Help.}
See these discussions:
- Open-raise from the button that is reraise by the SB.
- JJ on the button preflop against a reraise!
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