By Tommy Angelo
To win at poker, you must be a very good loser.me
During the first years of my career as a poker player, I played mainly in parts House, where players were particularly losses and aggressive. All j had to do to win was to play tight, what j quickly learned to do. The problem, c is that j also learned to tilt.
I was a great clutch. I knew all the methods. I could do the steaming, bubbling, tilt tilt tilt too loose, too tight tilt, too aggressive tilt, too passive tilt, tilt too long, too tired tilt, tilt rightly annoyed tilt, unfair tilt, tilt of frustration, sloppy tilt, tilt of revenge, tilt unfounded, shameful tilt, tilt of diversion, the tilt of fear, the d want to tilt, tilt of est-la-pire-pizza-que-je-n c never-ate, tilt je-viens-juste-de-montrer-mon-bluff, besides, of course, the classics: the tilt of the il-faut-que-je-revienne-au-point-de-depart, the tilt of the ai-beaucoup-trop-de-temps-pour-perdre-cet-argent j, also known as the tilt of demolition.
I tiltais, and when I saw my tiltage, I began to see cycles and cycles in cycles. Shortly after, j. was considering the future of my being an incessant variation between the tight game and tilt poker as a career. I realized that if I ruinais me in playing poker, it wouldn't because my best was not good enough to keep me afloat. This would be because my less good was pretty bad to me.
A day of my career was when I understood that I would always be a clutch. Qu it n there would be no rapid remission. That any progress would be gradual. I visited account that if I could, d one way or another, lengthen gradually periods between my tilts, and only if, d one way or another, I could do my tilts are less and less worse, j would have a chance d have the wind in their sails, and then I ride skyrocketing indefinitely. Less often, less serious. Less often, less serious. C is what I myself constantly.
This is now fifteen years and thirty - one thousand hours of poker. Since that time, j found my spirits.
On tilt
The tilt can take many forms and be caused by several things, but it n a qu an effect. It makes us make bad games. He makes us do things that we would not do if we were really at our best. Now here's how I define it exactly: the tilt is any deviation from your best game (A game) and your best state of mind (A-mindset), as thin and also passenger qu it is.There are two reasons that justify this definition of the tilt. The first is standardization. All the best games (A-game) are identical. One who plays his best game (A game) makes the best decisions based on its knowledge, and his State of mind is the fairest. C is the essence of the best game (A game). C is the best. And we are all one. Thus, by setting the tilt as the bottom of the barrel, we can draw a line for each player, which clearly delineates its tilt of his non-tilt.
The other reason is that we are not only playing with words here. We use them to dig to find l gold. Using the word tilt to focus on the best of ourselves, instead of the worst, we discover a vein: the tilt is not best game (not A game). Tilt n is nothing less than your maximum. The tilt is your top level. By setting the tilt in this way, everyone tilt. It s is simply a matter of frequency, duration and intensity.
This is therefore the three dimensions of the tilt: the frequency, duration and intensity l. Often detour you from your best game (A game)? How long does take on average? And of how far away you your best game (A game)? Think about it well.
The tilt depends only on you. If you think that you should have to abandon earlier, or if you think that you should have to play differently, or if you think that you have taken a wrong decision, you tiltez. He there only you who know that you could have done better.
The tilt of reciprocity is seeing your opponent away from his A-game. The tilt of reciprocity recognizes that all reductions, as small as they are in the frequency, duration and intensity of your own tilts l will always have a favourable effect in l widening of the gap between your tilts and their. What will immediately earn you an advantage of reciprocity. To make profit with the tilt, you n need not stop tilter. You only need less tilter.