It was time... but it is still far away! This Tuesday, May 20, 2014, Poker Trail Management Inc. invited media to take note of the latest developments on the dispute opponents of Loto-Québec and the Québec Inc (SJVQ) virtual game company.
The facts date back to 2011. The LTPQ came to announce, a few months earlier, a partnership with Loto-Québec. After being unable to honour prizes won by 80 players in the League, the LTPQ had made the announcement as what Espacejeux and Loto-Québec was in default. Was followed by an avalanche of pursuit, first Espacejeux against Gestion Poker Tour for $ 175,000, followed then by a pursuit of Poker Trail Management against Loto-Québec for $ 5 million.
The trial date was set at January 5, 2016 at the Palais de Justice de Montréal (room 15.07), for a trial to a maximum of 21 days. This trial will be chaired by the Honourable André Wery, j. in the superior court.
Dozens of witnesses will be summoned during the hearing, including:
-Marcel Croux (former Vice President, Loto-Québec)
-François Poulin (former Director General, EspaceJeux of Loto-Québec)
-Alain Brosseau (former Director of affairs, online game - Loto-Québec)
-Laurence Grondin (espacejeux.com Ex-Porte-parole)
-Claudia Drouin (Ex-Project Manager event and Promotion, EspaceJeux of Loto-Québec)
-Angie Brunet (Coordinator Marketing, brand Image, EspaceJeux of Loto-Québec)
-Hugues Marion (former Product Manager, product manager Poker, EspaceJeux de Loto-Québec)
-Normand Desautels (Ex-charge projects senior relationship marketing, EspaceJeux de Loto-Québec)
-Sabrina Pétrin (Ex-charge of relationship Marketing & project Promotion to the Société des Casinos du Québec)
-Andrea Batista (responsible for projects advertising for the Société des Casinos du Québec)
-Paul Nguyen (Interactive Project Manager for the Société des Casinos du Québec)
-Marie-Claude Rivet (Deputy Director, corporate officer of Loto-Québec media relations)
-Patrick Malo (former head of service games) and Loto-Québec projects
-Marc Gaudet (Chief of the Poker room of the Casino de Montréal)
-Renaud Poulin (President of the CPBBTQ - Corporation de propriétaires de Bars, Brasseries et Tavernes du Québec)
-Guy A. Lepage (celebrity - actor, host, comedian, producer and writer)
-Patrick Huard (celebrity - actor, comedian, Director, author, animator, Director and producer)
-Jean-Nicolas Verreault (celebrity - actor and comedian, Consultant for Loto-Québec and spokesperson for the Grand tournament of poker Loto-Québec)
-Sophie Bourgeois (celebrity - actress and comedienne, President Les Productions MDM! Inc. and consultant for Loto-Québec)
-Sébastien Dessureault (President/founder of Groupe PokerCollectif Inc.)
-Philippe Jetté (owner/CEO, Solution-Poker, Taxesdejeu.ca and PrincePoker)
-Yves Bouchard (owner/manager, Solution-Poker, Taxesdejeu.ca and PrincePoker)
-Jean Leblond Ph. D. (psychology and expert in the online game)
-Pierre Martel (President, Poker Trail Management Inc.)
-André Boyer (Vice-president, Poker Trail Management Inc.)
Jean-Daniel Blanchette CPA, CA
Other witnesses will be announced, including:
-two players and members of the LTPQ
-two owners and members of the CPBBTQ
-a tax expert
Prosecutors in the folder are the office of Fasken Martineau for Loto-Quebec lawyers and the company's game virtual du Québec Inc. and non-profit clinic legal Juripop - Me Alex Boudreault-Leclerc of Juripop business and artists for Poker Trail Management Inc. and their shareholders, Messrs André Boyer and Pierre Martel.
The Quebec poker world will no doubt follow this folder carefully! To follow...