A few months ago, PokerCollectif spoke you of this history of the Blue Chip Casino where a slot machine called China Shores had indicated (erroneously) a gain of 29 M$. The lady who had 'won' the jackpot had finally been entitled to 2 free steaks.
Today, another story of slot machine defective with a course of things a little different. In Germany, a combination of keys allowed to win the jackpot every time on some games.
During a night of the month of February, a group of people has operated very well organized way 100,000 devices in different rooms in Germany.
In all, the players would have taken 10 M€, amount that the manufacturer machines will probably have to reimburse. For cheating, players have exploited a flaw in the software of the game of roulette, one of the many games offered by this machine. A combination of keys allowed to touch the jackpot, regardless of the result of the draw. "This fault was impossible to detect, even with advanced simulation programmes", defends the Gauselmann company.
But as in any history of the sort, there's a catch. The fault had been detected 24 hours before nightfall where players have operated it. The manufacturer thought surely have time to fix it before that players realize, but this same day, players already exploited this flaw.
Is that players realized account of this vulnerability by pure chance in this short period of time or if the fault was sold by the manufacturer?
Cheaters have been very fortunate to discover this flaw of only 24 hours, either they were aware and criminal charges will be brought.
In any case, a police investigation is underway.
Case to follow...
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