Behind this pretentious title, lurks a hyper-ambitious book: consolidate everything there is to know about poker in a single book!
Poker is learning a life and not the reading of 200 pages!
Despite its unrealistic project, the work is interesting because it is current and because it covers several topics (the mindset to have when playing poker, fitness, mathematics, software to help Poker, the technical themes such as the sides of the pot, the EV, books to read to improve fundamental Sklansky Poker theorem(, the bucks, live poker, tells G when we play in casinos, etc).
Software suggestions are also very interesting. It is rare to hear of Flopzilla (Flopzilla) which is an extremely interesting software for any poker player. It is also in this book that I discovered the existence of software Cardrunners EV Calculators (that I can still barely understand), but which is very promising. In this regard, the author relies heavily on the fact that to improve his game, it is important to do a lot of active work outside the poker table (watch a video absentmindedly is a passive activity.) Assess how such range impactor type of flop with Flopzilla is a much more difficult and less passive, so active activity).
The book is intended for intermediate players. According to the author, this is a book for intermediate and advanced players. You judging by the table of contents.
The first chapters are less interesting for someone who has read several poker books since this is only a summary of what all intermediate players already know (how to calculate the EV of a game, looking for the EV, fold equity, etc).
The book ends with examples of hands that take several factors into account to reach a conclusion (conclusion of the best game to do).
The book is available here: Quantum Poker - SixPeppers Inc.
You can also obtain an excerpt from the book.
The table of contents:
1 The Meat
2 Basic Concepts
3 Advanced Concepts
4. The Unified Theory of Poker
5 shades and Other Concepts
6 live Poker
7 Hand History Examples
8. conclusions
For the moment, no Kindle version is available, but soon, it should be the case. If you are interested to purchase the book, you can contact us and we can get you one.
The book is distributed by DailyVariance (Tri Nguyen, author of Let There Be Range). This perhaps explains why Derric says in the book that Let There Be Range is the best book he read in his life! He also said a very large property of The Mental Game of Poker of Jared Tendler!