By Yaf
You already go to the aquarium and read this poster on a window that says "do not type on l ' aquarium '? The principle is simple: it is fear of fish, and these s ' go. This same principle is poker: "Don' t tap on the aquarium! I'll tell you two stories that are personally happened to me recently.
You already go to the aquarium and read this poster on a window that says "do not type on l ' aquarium '? The principle is simple: it is fear of fish, and these s ' go. This same principle is poker: "Don' t tap on the aquarium! I'll tell you two stories that are personally happened to me recently.
You already went in an aquarium and read this poster on a window that says "do not type on l ' aquarium '? The principle is simple: it is fear of fish, and these s ' go. This same principle is poker: "Don' t tap on the aquarium! I'll tell you two stories that are personally happened to me recently.
The first date of 3 weeks ago. If it sounds familiar, it may be because you have already read in my blog. On my last trip to Vegas (I'm saying that to have l air pro, c ' was also my first; p), j ' was quite winning parties to money. I m ' going to do a session at the Wynn for the first time in my life with a Parisian friend I had known there. I couldn't say why exactly, but j ' was decided to play as a Stuart. From the outset, I spent several suckouts and the table began to hate me. On one hand, I get AK utg, I raise preflop to type 4 - 5BB and I get a call on the part of an Asian on my right who is, of course, on the BB. The flop fell something like T86 rainbow. It check, I check (I know, I had probably a continuation bet to do here). Turn say 2. Check, check. River 5. My opponent bets while $ 18. I n ' do not believe and decides to caller with my A-high. Not the call of the century you will tell me, and I give you reason. Naughty show 53 s. Was it a bluff or a value bet on his part? Probably himself could tell! But regardless, he beats me, I muck and from there the whole table pays my hangover. On each hand where somebody ' a show a 5 or 3, whatever ' a fact a comment of the kind '5-3?' or '5-3 is the nut. CA me solid tilt. I put myself even to fix 2 guys who will securely pay my cum in the eyes. Whatever ' a say then to high lane: "There will be Brawl here!" and still there, everyone laugh. We pass several comments on me out loud as if I was invisible or j ' was a real waste. C ' is so arrogant that I tilt to have facial tics. I tell myself what they are really stupid as they come from ' tap l ' aquarium. Consequently, I will put myself to play my best poker. Tight-aggressive. But it continues, even the dealer would like to laugh at me. He said: "guess which became a folding station? '' Donk, more no. tip for you. C ' is as if they read my mind and said out loud that I thought any bottom. Several hands later, a player s ' addressed directly to me and told me: ' do you understand how it works here? '' Indifferent, I told him 'no '. Shortly after, I get an A3s. I limp, and this same player me call. The flop falls Ace high. It attempts a bluff on the flop, I smooth call. Ditto on the turn, I recall. Still on the river, I call again with my top pair No. kicker. It show K-high and I said: ' Wow! T as shoot 3 bullets with nothing? It takes balls, nice move"to not know if I am serious or ironic. I add "do you understand how it works by homegrown?" to tilt a bit. Shortly after, my friend came to see me to leave and I leave. They have really lost everything to tap l aquarium, non?
The second story is all in my disgrace. I go back to l ' moment of Ludoplex de Québec. There were several good players at my table, including one that I respect a lot of the forum (Ace4t). And there's a donk at my table. Let's call him Fred. ; p Obv, good players l ' had "tagged". It is 2 positions on my right, and s ' he plays a hand, I play mine no matter what as j ' have. On one hand where j ' have Kc3h, the flop falls Jc8c3c. He bet, I call. Turn is a 7 h, he bet, I call. River is a brick, it check, I check. It show 55, wins the pot and treats me donk. Pissed off, I tell him "c is me that you treated donk? C ' is because j ' look that you leave the table to go! ", insinuating that I stayed only because it is there. It tells me: "M prides j ' see you often lose money here!" and I reply "makes 2 times j ' see you climb above $ 1000 and squander everything then!». «» "Yeah, but I m ' fun ' he said! and Ace4t says "Tapes not on l ' aquarium. ''... and with good reason. What do you think that it s happened? Fred began to play better by tightening his game.
J ' have always say that the worst defect is of not learning from mistakes and I think that c ' is what m ' arrived this night there. Next time I'll see Fred, I think I'll excuse, saying "no hard feelings, I hope" and will pay it a coffee. p
The first date of 3 weeks ago. If it sounds familiar, it may be because you have already read in my blog. On my last trip to Vegas (I'm saying that to have l air pro, c ' was also my first; p), j ' was quite winning parties to money. I m ' going to do a session at the Wynn for the first time in my life with a Parisian friend I had known there. I couldn't say why exactly, but j ' was decided to play as a Stuart. From the outset, I spent several suckouts and the table began to hate me. On one hand, I get AK utg, I raise preflop to type 4 - 5BB and I get a call on the part of an Asian on my right who is, of course, on the BB. The flop fell something like T86 rainbow. It check, I check (I know, I had probably a continuation bet to do here). Turn say 2. Check, check. River 5. My opponent bets while $ 18. I n ' do not believe and decides to caller with my A-high. Not the call of the century you will tell me, and I give you reason. Naughty show 53 s. Was it a bluff or a value bet on his part? Probably himself could tell! But regardless, he beats me, I muck and from there the whole table pays my hangover. On each hand where somebody ' a show a 5 or 3, whatever ' a fact a comment of the kind '5-3?' or '5-3 is the nut. CA me solid tilt. I put myself even to fix 2 guys who will securely pay my cum in the eyes. Whatever ' a say then to high lane: "There will be Brawl here!" and still there, everyone laugh. We pass several comments on me out loud as if I was invisible or j ' was a real waste. C ' is so arrogant that I tilt to have facial tics. I tell myself what they are really stupid as they come from ' tap l ' aquarium. Consequently, I will put myself to play my best poker. Tight-aggressive. But it continues, even the dealer would like to laugh at me. He said: "guess which became a folding station? '' Donk, more no. tip for you. C ' is as if they read my mind and said out loud that I thought any bottom. Several hands later, a player s ' addressed directly to me and told me: ' do you understand how it works here? '' Indifferent, I told him 'no '. Shortly after, I get an A3s. I limp, and this same player me call. The flop falls Ace high. It attempts a bluff on the flop, I smooth call. Ditto on the turn, I recall. Still on the river, I call again with my top pair No. kicker. It show K-high and I said: ' Wow! T as shoot 3 bullets with nothing? It takes balls, nice move"to not know if I am serious or ironic. I add "do you understand how it works by homegrown?" to tilt a bit. Shortly after, my friend came to see me to leave and I leave. They have really lost everything to tap l aquarium, non?
The second story is all in my disgrace. I go back to l ' moment of Ludoplex de Québec. There were several good players at my table, including one that I respect a lot of the forum (Ace4t). And there's a donk at my table. Let's call him Fred. ; p Obv, good players l ' had "tagged". It is 2 positions on my right, and s ' he plays a hand, I play mine no matter what as j ' have. On one hand where j ' have Kc3h, the flop falls Jc8c3c. He bet, I call. Turn is a 7 h, he bet, I call. River is a brick, it check, I check. It show 55, wins the pot and treats me donk. Pissed off, I tell him "c is me that you treated donk? C ' is because j ' look that you leave the table to go! ", insinuating that I stayed only because it is there. It tells me: "M prides j ' see you often lose money here!" and I reply "makes 2 times j ' see you climb above $ 1000 and squander everything then!». «» "Yeah, but I m ' fun ' he said! and Ace4t says "Tapes not on l ' aquarium. ''... and with good reason. What do you think that it s happened? Fred began to play better by tightening his game.
J ' have always say that the worst defect is of not learning from mistakes and I think that c ' is what m ' arrived this night there. Next time I'll see Fred, I think I'll excuse, saying "no hard feelings, I hope" and will pay it a coffee. p