By Tommy Angelo
"Seventy-five percent of people think they are playing better than the other 75% of people." - Me
Updates of reciprocity is the difference between your decisions made - raise, bet, call, check, and fold - and theirs. There are two very clear ways of thinking reciprocity updates. I mentioned earlier in this article and I would like to elaborate a little more about it now.
One way to do this is to exchange parameters with your opponent and compare. I call it "analysis of reciprocity."
Another way of thinking about development of reciprocity leads us to this conclusion: "The hand of Hold'em with which I have the greatest mutual benefit is QT This is the hand that I played the most. differently than my opponents more often. "
After QT, hand me that was the most profitable is KT. Then JT, K-9, Q-9, Q-8, etc.. The reason that these hands have given me the greatest gains of reciprocity is because I've played so very different from my opponent before the flop.
I will list how two players can start a hand, starting where there will be less difference to go to where there will be more differences. In preflop situation
1) If two players lie one hand, there will be no gains reciprocity. No-brainers will no-gainers (those who will not gain).
2) Both players wedged before the flop or if they both restarted, there will be no flow of money between the two. It may, however, be reciprocal movements after the flop, depending on how these two players have played the flop and the rest of the hand.
3) A player call before the flop and the other has restarted. There is here a reciprocal movement with perhaps greater reciprocity after the flop.
So either both players see the flop or both or do not see. There are two other scenarios as possible:
4) A player folds before the flop while the other call.
5) A player then layer the other would have raised.
While the greater reciprocity occurs when a player while the other would have seen the flop, so the most profitable will be the one most often played / hand lying layer, which is I think, by my estimates, QT.
After the flop, we can talk about reciprocity speaking a simple bet, or street to analyzes of reciprocity. For example, you play limit hold'em on the river and you have the best hand. You bet and your opponent calls. If the situation were reversed and your opponent was betting the river, would you call? If the answer is no, you just won a bet. If the answer is yes, then you're tied.
Let's say Joe and Moe hits both the flop. At one point in hand, they go all-in. Actually Joe Moe pen. The question is whether reciprocity in the reverse situation, would have plucked Moe Joe? If the answer is no, Joe wins the hand and he will have more money at the end in front of him.
Until now, reciprocity was either white or black. For example, when the tilt of reciprocity circulates money, we know what direction it is traveling. The same is true for reciprocity bankroll and other forms of reciprocity. But there is an exception, and this is a big; reciprocity updates. Here there are whites, black and gray areas. Here, uncertainty is certain. And thank you God for that! This is what makes poker is what it is.

In this image, white and black represent the decisions taken which are definitely good and bad and different shades of gray represent all others.
Here are 2 examples of black decision / white.
1 - You play a game of limit hold'em. There are 9 players at your table. You're under the gun and you have 2-7o. Should you raise, caller or folder?
2 - In a poker game, you are on the river, you have the nuts and your opponent checks. Should you check or bet?
The more we move into the gray, explanations become more balanced and our decisions become difficult. A decision that makes us favorite 60-40 for example. More towards gray, you will have decisions to make when you're 50 to 50 or so. Sometimes you make a decision or another, the long-term consequences will be the same. There are decisions that are less important than others.
In addition, in the center of gray, it will discuss long to find the best option. You can discuss long with smart people and get both to different conclusions. The gray area is where you torturerez yourself and you ask questions like: "Is what I did the right thing this time?"
And that is why I say: "The decisions that trouble us the most are those that matter least."
Suppose you face a difficult decision and you are looking for the answer. Want to know if you're right or not.
There must be a mistake. Simply by thinking like that, about good and evil, you're making a mistake. If you play a hand, and you are facing a difficult decision, and then you write about it or that you were talking about, I think it is, seriously. Same thing if you talk hands that others have played. This is very good. But be careful. Do not fall into the trap of gray areas. Do not waste your precious energy and do not lose the right. If you have an answer and that someone has a different answer from yours, do not assume that yours is the right and the other is bad.
Imagine I'm on the button and everyone around me goes down. Depending on my cards, my adversaries and other parameters, the best choice seems obvious to me, or it does not appear at all. Should I assume that there is always a right answer? Even if there is one, should I assume that I can always know the answer? I think the answers to these questions are no and no.
Here is another example. It is on the turn, playing limit hold'em. There are three players in the pot. I am the second to play. The first bet. Is what I should raiser? Is what I should call? Is that I should go to bed? Ok, I'll tell you more. I have a good pair. Whoever bet has either taken a chance, he is a monster. I could not say. Whoever is behind me could be very small, have little chance of improving his hand against my hand. However, he played so poorly, it could be very strong and be on the point raiser. Or maybe he is trying to run cards here and I need to bet to make him pay the maximum price. But whoever bet could beat me. Or I might even be "drawing dead." If I raise, I opened the way to raise it again. Hmm. It is not easy. Should I raiser? Should I call? Should I sleep?
I think it is quite right to believe in the "unknowability". Analyze, evaluate, meditate, and then let go. Resist the trap gray areas that entice your mind. When you study a decision to, yours or that of another at the table or elsewhere, alone or accompanied, remember that the discussions lead to difficult decisions and difficult decisions matter less, and the answer is sometimes inconceivable. Do you not dwell on the difficult decisions, and when you play against people who linger there, you will gain reciprocity in conserving your energy and preserving your mental well-being.
What it takes to maximize your performance in poker? Three things. You must have a better game (A-game) which is good enough to beat that of someone else. You have to play against them. And you need to play your best game (A-game) all hands. You must be present. If you're thinking about the past, you are, by definition, absent. If you want to be in the present moment, realize that I never know if I played the hand of a good or bad way. So I should just play the hand!
Get good and stay good when you play. This is actually what I have said so far. This is actually what I say to myself, or anyone who wants to discover the secret of poker, which ultimately is not really a secret. So where reciprocity does one integrate?
I do not see reciprocity as a theory that says how to win at poker. I see it as a way to see the victory. Reciprocity is a lens. When trained on a selection, led by reciprocity solution reveals a large and a small difference; it shows the options as they are. When I look through the lens, I see all the improvements and all progressive deterioration, mine and those of my opponents with respect to the implementation and the rest, as being immediately rewarded or punished by gold reciprocity. Profit is still flowing, and that's what motivates me.
Anyway, as I said, this is my way of seeing things. Now, the lens is yours. Point it to the location you want, consider what you want and make your own discoveries.